Figure 1 – Hermit sitting on charm guarding cave gate
Hermit is possibly not the most easy-to-understand word to describe these Astral men and their practice, but we couldn’t find a better equivalent in English. In Vietnamese they are called “Dao si”. They are Astral men who cultivate in solitude and reclusiveness (in the invisible space) , but turned out to be abused and become instrument of High Treason at a higher level to brutally violate Buddhist Rough man cultivators and against Troi and Buddhas. They are Heresy. The war against them is one of the hardest war against Heresy ever seen. Below is a translation of the article by Prof. Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang.
1. Background
Hermits are organizations of Astral men (Yin men), not Rough men. The leaders of these organizations are usually High Buddhas of level 8 or 9. They often originated from orthodox Buddhism. Once they cultivated to higher level, they separated into their own organizations, still to practice Buddhism, but in a different way to compete with authentic Buddhism. Then gradually feeling inferior to Buddhism, they turned against it. They gathered together, followed the violent way, forced Astral men who are Buddhist cultivators of high level such as Arhat, Buddha or High Buddha level to follow them; if they don’t, they will use violence, even imprisoning them in their prisons. The leader and deputy leaders of these organizations are degenerated High Buddhas, transformed into 7 or 9 headed demons. Astral men who follow them are called Hermit. Most of these Hermits are forced to work for them. They put powerful charms in their chests, heads and hearts, and then assigned them a specific task to do. Whenever they turned their mind against them, the charms are immediately ignited and burned. For example: sitting on an charms guarding the cave gate (Figure 1). They have to transform from Buddhist cultivator into evil demon cultivator of different ranks. They maintained at each facility tens of thousands of Astral men working as henchmen, called little demons.
Hermit organizations have been around for over 160 years across Asia. This is actually a form of very high level evil Heresy.
2. Activities of Hermits
Each Hermit organisation occupies a high mountainous area, operating in caves. All temples, pagodas or shrines in the area that are worshiping Buddha and Buddhist deities are controlled by them. They build many cave branches (in Khi form), stretching endlessly from mountain to mountain, sometimes trailed underground into the sea. Each branch is assigned to a deputy leader, sitting on a throne with amulets and servants. They built in the cave branches many multi-floor cellars (sometimes 9 floors) to house imprisoned Buddhists, or use as storehouses of charms, violent tools, insects, effigies, clothes, chips, antennas, chemical wells etc.
3. Destroying the Hermits
Once a Heresy, it must be eliminated because they operate violently against Troi and Buddha, against humanity of Buddhist beliefs. They aimed at Buddhist cultivators of Arhat level and higher, enticing them to follow them. Recently, they have been backed by the Treasons in the Highest Upper Space, so they are very active. There is rarely any day that Troi and Buddhas don’t have to destroy some of their lairs. Most of them are located in China. Up to now, more than 150,000 lairs have been destroyed, and still continuing because they are attacking the Buddhist temples and pagodas every day.
Figure 2 shows a Hermit lair in China which was destroyed on August 22, 2020. It is built into 3 zones, occupying 3 mountains. Between the three mountains is a valley where the head base is located. All zones have multi-storey basements with many interconnected branches. The commander-in-chief is a 9-headed lion-demon High Buddha level 9. Deep down they built jails for high-level Buddhist cultivator who refused to follow them. There are charms, violent tools (such as chains, cuffs, hooks, pins …), insects for violence, effigies, chemical bins. It took 3 hours to catch the 9-headed lion High Buddha level 9 leader, 9 deputy leaders of High Buddha level 6 being 4 to 6 headed snake monster, crocodile, bison etc., liberating 3 prisons, each with over 600 Astral men. After that their entire facility was burned down.
Figure 2
Figure 3 shows a Hermit facility located in a temple in India. They built a central (Khi-formed) tower in the middle of the courtyard; on top is the throne of the leader, under the ground are multi-storey tunnels strectching into many branches trailing out into the mountainous suburb. On the two sides of the yard are underground multi-storey prisons. Destroying this facility was very difficult because they had many branches connecting all the way to the Great Wall in China. All kinds of Chinese Hermits have been exported to India, where they once did not exist in this land. The 9-headed octopus High Buddha level 8 and 7 multi-headed deputy leaders of High Buddha level 6 were captured. This facility was destroyed entirely, liberating more than 3,000 Astral men being high level Buddhist cultivators imprisoned in deep tunnels.
Figure 3
Figure 4 shows a Hermit headquarter at Supernatural Yin Bright Space level (SYBS), about 360 million light years from Earth. So far, there is no Hermit here, only having been recently exported to for a few months now. But because the civilization there is very high, they learn very quickly and creatively so they become very efficient. Destroying them is much harder than on Earth.
They built this facility on a high mountainous area following the diagram of 5 continuous inter-increasing altars Txuy Mok Xoa Txo Kim. In the middle is a valley, located a command center. There are many underground basements for prisons and warehouses. Rough men who are high level Buddhist cultivators on Earth whose effigies are placed here are always suffering for unknown reasons. The imprisoned Astrals of men are captured from man-bearing planets in the universe, not just Earth.
Under the guidance of the Superiors in the Highest Upper Space, on August 23, 2020 Troi and Buddhas came to chase and eliminate them. The Superior has equipped Troi and Buddhas with a number of flying saucers (Figure 5) so that they are able to come here to chase the Hermits. All the leaders and deputy leaders were captured, all are 9 and 6-headed demons and many little demons, liberating over 3,000 imprisoned Astral men, completely destroying this facility.
Note: The Supernatural Yin Bright Space is in the invisible space (Yin space), a place for men on the planet FOGHA to come when they die. Planet FOGHA is located outside the universal space that we live in, has a very high civilization (300G technology, while Earth is only at 4-5G). Men here are called the Men Sacred. They are Rough men, but can transform into Astral men (yin men) and vice versa. This topic will be discussed in detail later.
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6 shows Tran Quoc pagoda in Hanoi occupied by the Hermit. They covered murderous Khi on the main Buddha altar and placed a very large amulet in front of the Buddha altar. Under the Bodhi tree, they built a series of tunnels to imprison Buddhist cultivators and storehouses of charms, violent tools, insects, effigies, antennas, chips, chemical substances. A high level Collosus was tied beside the multi-storey tower behind the pagoda. The incense bowl in front of the pagoda was covered with black Khi. Under the lake is a whirlpool, under which is an underground cave placed a throne. This is a Chinese Hermit working in conjunction with the Heresy in the highly civilized planet Thiaoba, so it’s difficult to eliminate them.
On August 29, 2020 Troi and Buddha rescued the pagoda, arrested the leader who is a 9-headed octopus High Buddha 9 and many 4 or 5 headed-monster deputy leaders of High Buddha level 5 or 6; broke the detention center, liberated more than 600 Astral men being high level Buddhist cultivators; destroyed entirely this lair of the demon Chinese Hermit; burnt all the charms, cleansed bad Khi in the Buddha altar, cleaned the incense bowl defiled by them and returned the sacred pagoda to normal.
Figure 6
People who come to worship at the Hermit facilities will be watched closely by the little demons. Those who are seen worshiping sincerely will be placed with a hat on their head and charms on their chest to be identified as their disciples from such moment on. 3 of their Supersensuous States (Via) will be taken to dance for them every day. In Figure 7 are two Buddhists cultivators who have attained Buddha (without Buddha name) level but were placed with hats and charms by a White-robe-dancing Hermit and a Black-robe-martial art Hermit from 12-14 incarnations ago because they had visited their facilities in China. These two people always feel heavy and uncomfortable. While being rescued by the Upper Buddha, they danced exactly as if they were dancing to entertain the Hermits in front of their leader throne. After the hats on their heads and charms in their chests were burned, their long time-captured Supersensuous states (Via) were returned to them, and their life returned to normal.
Figure 7- Disciples of White-robe-dancing Hermit and Black-robe-martial art Hermit are forced to dance by them while being rescued by the Upper Buddha
On September 18, 2020, the Superiors, Troi and Upper Buddhas destroyed 1966 Hermit organizations, so eliminated all of the Hermits on Earth. The universe has gained peace, free from the Hermit danger. This is a feat inscribed in the history of the universe development.
Prof. Dich- Upper Buddha Van Van Quang.
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