Following the previous post on Esoteric Buddhism, this post is a further update on Heresy and the war against Heresies and Rebel in the invisible space. This is translated from original post by Prof. Dich- Upper Buddha Van Van Quang Hugo Hama.
1. What is Pure Land Buddhism?
Pure Land Buddhism is a sect originating from orthodox Buddhism, separated to compete with orthodox Buddhism. Pure Land sect originated from China and was formed very early, from around 400 to 500 AD, and thrived in the late eighteenth century, then spread to Japan and Vietnam. In Vietnam, there are quite a few pagodas in Saigon, Ba Ria and South Central provinces, built in the 30s-60s of the nineteenth century, and also during the period of the South Vietnam government in Saigon, following this school.
Pure Land sect directs the cultivator to sit with quiet mind and recite Amitabha’s name until reaching one-mindedness, prays for salvation so that he could be brought into the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss (where Amitabha worked) when die. Pure Land sect made a mistake that it considers coming to the ultimate bliss realm too easily, so even called “Easy Cultivation”; just needs one-minded cultivation following Amitabha Buddha, reciting his name enough times will be fruitful. This practice is unrealistic. Cultivation also depends on the good and evil of many continuous incarnations. It is not possible to simply die and be welcomed into the Buddha realm. An Astral man is being imprisoned in the Prison level, forced to return to the physical space in this incarnation to correct the mistake, how can he cultivate in only one lifetime to elevate to Buddha’s realm? On the other hand, Pure Land only meditates on reciting Buddha’s name, does not direct the mind to eradicate Greed-Hatred-Delusion and toward Truth-Goodness-Forbearance, does not cultivate Cong, so it is impossible to increase Cong Power, but without increasing Cong Power, it is not possible to reach the upper level of the Buddha realm. That is the absurdity of this school.
The fundamental mistake of Pure Land is not to guide practitioners to cultivate mind and practice Cong, but only hope to one-mindedly recite one Upper Buddha’s name in order for the Buddha to bring to the higher levels of the Universe. This is never achievable. This is also a form of superstition in Buddhism by North Asian school to demagogue people, a kind of deception to worship them.
2- True nature of Pure Land Buddhism
Documents about Pure Land Sect in our country often refer to cultivators who founded one or another religious sect or order. These cultivators may only attain High-Virtue Bonze Bodhisattva level, or maybe just a mere monk. In fact, Pure Land Sect was established by a High Buddha level 8, separated from the origin orthodox Buddhism in order to “follow a different way” to compete with Buddhism led by Upper Buddha Shakyamuni. At first it was only competition, then gradually became opposed, turning itself into a Heresy organization against orthodox Buddhism.
Note: Heresy is the organization of Rough men, supported by Astral men of high level from High Buddha 6 to 9, with the purpose to entice Rough men cultivating oxthodox Buddhism to renounce the righteous Dao to follow them. Their form of action is to use violence to build a contingent of followers in an oppressed way. Whoever doesn’t follow them, they will capture their Via (supersensuous state) and lock them in their underground cellars. Heresy has many different forms of organization such as the common Heresy, 5-colored Taoist, Esoteric Buddhism, Pure Land, and Zen Buddhism. In general, they are against Troi and Buddha, attempting to control a group of Rough men to follow them like an overlord.
The event of 24 July 2020: When some orthodox Buddhist disciples in Hanoi were sitting for meditation, some high-level cultivators among them were hit and covered with bad Khi all over their bodies by the Pure Land Sect, making them giddy and dizzy. Some even fainted and were unconscious. Troi Supreme Power and the Upper Buddhas appeared to rescue them immediately and chased the criminals. When chasing them, it was found that there are 5 pagodas in 5 provinces in North Asia, are the headquarters of this heresy. In these pagodas, there are statues of Upper Buddhas, only never for worship of Upper Buddhas, but the Leader (a High Buddha level 8) and the deputies (High Buddha level 6) of the Pure Land Sect. In the pagodas, there are also cellars for detaining the Astrals of Buddhist practitioners who refuse to follow them. The chieftains have fled. After many hours of chasing, it was discovered that right at the feet of the main Buddha altar was a tunnel for their hideout. Troi and Buddha have captured 1 leader (dressed in a robe) and 4 deputies of the Pure Land Sect. These criminals were brought to Troi Buddha Temple in Hanoi for trial (Figure 1). 5 cellars in these 5 pagodas were demolished, in each cellar freeing more than 600 Astrals of Rough men who were detained for a long time. Troi and Buddha have destroyed the underground cellar system and detention center, cleansed the Buddha altars and the incense bowls, then invited the Upper Buddhas to accept the statues and the incense bowls. Troi Supreme Power has put a pink jewel which is Her power into each of the incense bowls so that no one could ever reclaim these incense bowls. At the same time, a notice is posted to let everyone know that the Heresy Pure Land Sect has been eliminated on Earth. From now on, the pagoda is for worship of the Upper Buddha. Everyone visiting these pagodas is to worship the orthodox Upper Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
Figure 1
The truth is now obvious. Pure Land Sect is a Heresy. It is necessary to check the sacredness of all the pagodas of Pure Land Sect. The arrest of the leader and all the deputies means Heresy Pure Land Sect was completely eradicated on Earth. 24 July 2020 was recorded as a feat of Troi and Buddhas. After this, there needs to be an action plan to cleanse all pagodas of Pure Land Sect.
In Vietnam, there are more than 50 Pure Land sect pagodas, most of them were built before and during the period when the South Vietnam government was still in Saigon. After checking 2 pagodas, one in district 6 and one in district 1, it was found that there are Upper Buddha statues on the Buddha altar, but only the leader of Pure Land Sect is worshiped, not the Upper Buddha. There is no cellar for detaining the Astrals of Buddhist followers. Perhaps generations of the abbot monks of these pagoda did not know that the pagoda is worshiping the Heresy Pure Land Sect. They still think that they are worshiping the Upper Buddha, so they still one-mindedly worship the Upper Buddha here. The pagoda also has charitable activities such as helping the poor, free healing etc. It regularly organizes ceremonies for Buddhist disciples to sit quietly and look towards the Buddha’s realm as the motto of the Pure Land Sect. But all of these ceremonies failed because there is no worship of the Upper Buddha in the pagoda. This is not known by the monks, so it is not their fault. The pagoda guardians such as Duc Ong, Colossuses (Dharma protectors), etc. are also not aware, none of them follows the Pure Land Sect, so it is also not their fault. They were explained by the Upper Buddha to understand the Pure Land Sect and are allowed to continue to stay and work in the pagoda. The Buddha altars of these two pagodas were cleansed of bad Khi of Pure Land sect, incense bowls were also cleansed, and the Upper Buddha were invited to accept the statues and the incense bowls. The Upper Buddha also posted a notice to all Astral and Rough men as follows: The pagoda from now on is officially for worship of the Upper Buddhas (the pagoda in District 6 is for worship of Upper Buddha OLMO, the pagoda in District 1 is for worship of Upper Buddha Shakyamuni). Everyone visiting the pagoda from now on is really paying homage to the Upper Buddha. The abbot monks of the pagodas will not organize ceremonies to recite Amitabha’s name anymore, but have to bring the pagodas back to operation like any other ordinary Buddhist pagoda. All documents on the Pure Land Sect transmitted by Northern Buddhism over a thousand years ago need to be destroyed and not used anymore.
3. Zen Sect
Meditation is the art of sitting with quiet mind, eliminating misconceptions, and being mindful towards the Buddha. Meditation in Buddhism dates back to the day of Theravada Buddhism until today.
Zen Buddhism is a Buddhist sect, separated from Mahayana Buddhism, initiated by some Indian Buddhist ancestors in the second and third century, and then spread to China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan etc.
The essence of Zen Buddhism is to direct the Buddhist practitioner to meditate in mindfulness, to direct the mind to eliminate Greed, Hatred, Delusion towards Truth-Goodness-Forbearance. It was Upper Buddha Shakyamuni who used this method to cultivate in asceticism for 6 years in the mountain cave in South India, but with no success. Then he changed his practice, abandoning asceticism, and meditated for 49 days under the Bodhi tree at Boudha Gaya, and attained Dao and enlightenment. Later on, He developed the theory of cultivation according to the Harmonised Method (or Middle Method). He realized that both cultivation following ascetic practices or cultivation lusting in pleasures and glory of normal life cannot bring about attainment of Dao. The Harmonised Theory of Upper Buddha Shakyamuni at that time created a wave of debate, leading to the formation of a number of sects separated from Buddhism, into different sects, such as Esoteric Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism.
Zen Buddhism was originally still a cultivation of good faith, just separating itself into a different sect, to compete for influence with the original Buddhism. But then gradually turned to oppose the Orthodox Buddhism led by Upper Buddha Shakyamuni, became a Heresy.
Heresy Zen Buddhism advocates meditating in order to attain deep concentration (Samadhi), always thinking of Shakyamuni Buddha in order to be brought to Saha (where He works) by him. The only difference between Pure Land and Zen sect, is one side looks for the Western Pure Land of Amitabha, and one side looks for the Saha of Shakyamuni. Zen sect, like Pure Land sect, also made the mistake of not cultivating mind and practicing Cong so it cannot succeed in cultivation. This is a form of deception, superstitiously worshiping the Upper Buddha so that making the cultivators to believe and worship Zen Buddhism. They rely too much on the advices and teachings of the fore-going Zen masters, considering that understanding these teachings and advices can achieve enlightenment. This is against the teaching of Upper Buddha Shakyamuni. They do not discard Buddhist scriptures, but also do not rely too much on the Buddhist scriptures.
The event of July 25, 2020: Similar to the same day event regarding Pure Land Buddhism mentioned above: the Buddhist cultivators in Hanoi sitting for meditation were attacked with bad Khi by Heresy Zen Buddhism. Troi Supreme Power and the Upper Buddhas had to appear to rescue them. After chasing, it was discovered that there are 2 pagodas in North Asia that are the stronghold of this Heresy. One leader of High Buddha level 8 (in brown robe) and 2 deputies of this Heresy were arrested and brought to Troi Buddha temple in Hanoi for trial (Figure 2); more than 1,600 Astrals of Buddhist cultivators locked in 2 underground cellars were freed. In the pagodas, there are Upper Buddha statues, but not for worship of Buddha, only the leader and deputies of Zen sect were worshiped. Troi and Buddha have cleansed the bad Khi in the Buddha altar, cleansed the incense bowls and invited the Upper Buddhas to accept the statues and the incense bowls. Then a Notice of eradicating Heresy is posted; from now on, the pagoda is officially for worship of the Upper Buddhas. So how many years has it wasted people to come to the pagoda only to worship the Heresy? So this is also the victory of Troi and Buddha in destroying the Heresy Zen Buddhism in the world. On Earth, there are only these 2 pagodas that are the stronghold of this Heresy. There are no other facilities. In Vietnam, there are no pagodas worshiping Zen Buddhism.
Figure 2
So readers need to understand: There is meditation in every pagoda. The matter is to meditate in mindfulness (not in delusion), to direct the mind to eliminate Greed-Hatred-Delusion, towards Truth-Goodness-Forbearance, and not to desiring for any Upper Buddha. Desiring never brings succeed in cultivation. All Buddhist pagodas should guide Buddhist disciples to do the same. If they have a Superior to transmit Cong, then the mind is focused on absorbing the energy that is being transmitted into the body. See also: link
Esoteric Buddhism has been destroyed.
The Pure Land Buddhism has been destroyed.
Zen Buddhism has been destroyed.
There is no Esoteric Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism anymore.
Prof.Dich- Upper Buddha Van Van Quang – Hugo Hama
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