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My father-in-law is at his late 60s. He used to be strong and in good health. About 5 years ago, he started developing diabetes and heart diseases, including coronary atherosclerosis. He has been healed several times using energy and his heart is now stable and good. He keeps regular health checks and there is no problem with his heart for the last couple of years. X-ray images of his heart doesn’t show any problem or atherosclerosis any more. His diabetes was also cured. His sugar level became normal for years. I note that he never used any kind of drugs for these diseases. All treatments are done using energy or by psychic power.
Suddenly at a midnight last week, he felt difficult to breath, heartbeat rate peaked and it made him short of breath. He had a stroke and was almost fainted. My brother said it looked like he is going to die. It’s an emergency situation at the midnight so my brother decided to take him to hospital. He is diagnosed with severe lung infection and irregular heartbeat related to atrial fibrillation. The doctors said he may have some heart problem and he has to stay in the hospital for treatment. We definitely don’t want to keep him in the hospital. One reason is we know that his heart problem cannot be cured by medical methods but must be by psychic power. Except for the lung infection that can be cured by drug, but it is not as efficient as healing with energy, and he would be kept in the hospital for weeks. Another reason is some hospitals are often crowded by a lot of wraiths, though lay people cannot see them. These wraiths would be problematic and often penetrate people to cause illness to them. So the intention is we have to take him home as soon as possible.
I live almost 1,300 km far from him so I can’t come and see him immediately. So I decided that I will give him a treatment from afar, with the help of a friend, who is also a highly successful cultivator and highly capable psychic practitioner.
We found out that his lung is infected with (physical space) bacteria but more seriously he has 3 wraiths in his heart and several other wraiths penetrated into him to revenge due to his wrongdoing to them in 4 incarnations ago. These wraiths made the lung infection become more severe and the irregular heartbeat. Treatment of bacteria is quite simple. We can emit energy from afar to repel the bacteria out of the body. But to do it effectively, we must deal with the wraiths in the first place. These wraiths may prevent and reduce the efficiency of the treatment using energy. My friend helped me send off the wraiths. Dealing with wraiths is a bit more complicated, and especially with revenge wraiths it’s a lot more complicated. To make it easy for you to imagine, think about it like we are dealing with men to whom my dad owes some debt. They are now chasing my dad for repayment and our job is to convince them to forgive him. For your knowledge, wraith penetration always causes irregular heartbeat. So if you have this heart problem, the first thing to think of is wraith penetration.
Wraiths are Astral men who lost their way back to their place in the invisible space or those who don’t want to go back to their place after death but stick to the Physical world for revenge or satisfaction of their mundane cravings. To send them off effectively, the best way is to seek for help from an Upper Buddha to send them “home”, i.e. to their place in De level in the invisible space. This can be done in a few minutes.
Once the wraiths are sent off, his heartbeat becomes normal immediately. Doctors found no sign of atrial fibrillation any more. I also gave him several treatments dealing with the lung bacteria and black karmic clots in his body, including his internal organs. His lung infection improved very quickly after only one day. The doctor found it surprised with his rate of recovery. He can breathe normally now. Instead of spending weeks in the hospital as pre-examined, the doctor said he can go home earlier, but requesting him to be in the hospital for further monitoring until they found it stable. So he has to stay 2 more days in the hospital. As expected, during that period of 2 days, we have to regularly send off wraiths penetrating him several times a day, so keeping him well. At noon of the third day, partly due to our pushing, the doctor agreed that he can leave the hospital for home. When I wrote this post, it is the 5th day since he fell ill and he is now walking in the garden chatting with his neighbours as if nothing had happened.
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