Question & Answer

What is incarnation?

Incarnation can be described as a process as follows:

A soul named X (which I will call an Astral man) living in the invisible space has to go down to the physical space, e.g to incarnate on Earth (for cultivation and learning). The Astral man X needs to have a body to stay in the physical space so he possesses a fetus in a mother’s womb. Mr. Astral man X will have to reduce his size to the size of one cell to harmonize with the fetus. Mr Astral man X will grow up along with the fetus and has the appearance of the baby and with time, becomes an Earthy man (which I will call a Rough man) named Mr. Y. That Rough man Y is the Astral man X resides within a human body for cultivating and learning in the physical space. When the Rough man Y dies, Mr Astral X will escape the corpse and he goes back to the invisible space and become Mr. Astral man X1 (because of his cultivation/learning in the physical space, he becomes a better (or worse) Astral man, a different Astral man, so has a different name X1). That Astral man X1 will undergo another round of incarnation by becoming the Rough man Y1 born by a different mother in a different family and so on.

Each time an Astral man go down to the physical space to be a Rough man is a time he incarnates.

I have also discussed about incarnation here: Richard Nuyen’s answer to Is the theory of incarnation true? – Quora

If we do have souls, why would they incarnate as us?

You probably should also ask the question “Do I know who I am?”. Answering this question will answer your question above.

You are a rough man living on Earth, that’s a fact that everyone knows. But who are really you? Where did you come from is a difficult question to answer. You will say you were born by your parents, won’t you? Then who gave birth to your parents? Your grand parents, did they? Then who gave birth to your grand parents? Your grand grand parents and so on untill you ask “who gave birth to our first ancestor? Do you have the answer?

1) Where are you now?

First , you are a Rough Man (a human being living in the physical space), but it’s your soul (which can be called the Astral Man) inside your body that is actually you. This Astral Man is you that was created by Troi – the Creator. (See here to understand what is Troi…). If the Astral man leaves your body to go back to the invisible space you die. The Astral Man inside you once dwelled in the invisible space, and flew down from there to the physical space to incarnate as a Rough Man. Our parents only gave us the body which is the underlying gene passed down from generation to generation. It’s the Astral man which is your real Self that exists for hundred thousands of years in the invisible space. Your body is only borrowed. For each incarnation in the physical space your Astral man needs to borrow a new body. If you incarnated in the physical space for 100 times, you would have borrowed 100 bodies. So as a Rough Man, you have an Astral man plus a body given to you by your parents so that it’s heavy enough for you to stay in the physical space. You are under an honour mission to cultivate in the physical space to upgrade yourself so when you die, you can leave the body and go back to the invisible space and will be able to dwell at a higher level in the universe.

Once dead, our body will decay but our Astral man (which is our real Self) will go back and dwell in the invisible space. Someday, that Astral man will come back to the physical space to incarnate as a new Rough man. Passing though many incarnations, it can reach higher and higher levels in the universe. Everyone can strive to elevate to higher levels following this route. The route, however, is full of difficulties and the time is limitless. You will have to live many incarnations in the physical space. Once you attained Arhat level (i.e become an Arhat) you won’t have to incarnate any more. But if you want to go back to the physical space for cultivation and practice, no one prohibits you from doing so. You may also be assigned to go back to help mankind in physical space.

2) By which way did you come to incarnate in this physical space?

There are 2 ways leading you as an Astral Man from the invisible space to come to the physical space:

First, if you are an advanced Astral Man, you can determine by yourself to come to the physical space to help the Rough Men (like you volunteer to do something); or you can be assigned to come down to the physical space to help the Rough Men.

Second, if you are not an advanced Astral Man, committed many mistakes and is being imprisoned in the invisible space, you are forced to come down to the physical space for cultivation and practicing.

So generally there are 3 circumstances in which you as an Astral Man can come down to the physical space. Those are:

  • Assigned, i.e you are assigned by the universe to come down to the physical space to help the Rough Man;
  • Self-determined, i.e you volunteer to come down to the physical space to help the Rough Man; and
  • Forced to incarnate for correcting mistakes, i.e you committed crimes in your previous incarnation and you are forced to come down to the physical space for cultivation and practicing again. Maybe you are also forced to come down to the physical space to repay for the Karma you created in your previous incarnations. It means that as a Rough Man, you can be assigned, self-determined or forced to come to the physical space.

For coming down to the physical space, you need a body so that it’s heavy enough for you to stay there. That’s the reason why you need to borrow a body of a child newly formed as a foetus in the mother’s womb. At such time you become a Rough Man born by your parents. After death, your soul (i.e Astral man) will come back to its place in the universe.

How do all things are created such as space and humans, galaxies, and more things?

I have given my answer to this question in some post in the past. Answer it here again for your reference. See also here:…

If you want to have a correct understanding about the existence of the universe and things in it, human’s scientific instruments are never able to provide us the true picture or anything going further than our eyesight. The only way to see and understand about it correctly is to cultivate yourself to activate your “divine senses” to learn with assistance from the Invisible World and then see the universe by yourself. The most important and interesting part of the Universe is invisible and that part is the true nature of the universe. That World is a lot more advanced than the visible world that we see. The discussion below is an extract from the book “Universe and Man – Theory of Relationship” written by Prof Dich – Van Van Quang Buddha.

In the answer below,

  • the Astral man or Astral can be referred to as “soul” in the way we normally use. I don’t use the word “soul” because it is not a correct word.
  • Some word in capitalised letters: e.g LANTIG, OAGHY, FADAO etc is the name as called in the language of the Invisible World/Space.

Formation of the Universe

1.2.1 Formation of Troi

In accordance with instructions from Shakyamuni Buddha – LANTIG, Troi was formed from (Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo, these are the Five Units) about 64 billion years ago, has a globe shape with diameter of about 2 kilometer and is located at the center of the Universe. Troi consists of one center globe and 9 satellite globes rotating around the center globe at the speed thousands times higher than the speed of light (about 300,000 kilometer per second). The whole globe of one center globe and 9 satellite globes together rotate at the speed hundreds of times higher than the speed of light. These two rotating movements have annulled the movement of Troi, keeping Troi always standing at the center of the universe despite Troi’s very high rotating velocity.

Troi (name is OAGHY) is the Supreme Power of the Universe so has the full name as Troi Supreme Power in Universe, shortly called Troi. The word Troi must be written in capitalized letter, must not be translated but only transliterated into other languages as Troi. Troi created Universe and Man (including Rough Man and Astral Man) so Troi can be called the Creator.

Troi has 5 constituent Ban which are Ban Kim (Troi name is Bahy Kim), Ban Mok (Bahy Mok), Ban Txuy (Bahy Txuy), Ban Xoa (Bahy Xoa) and Ban Txo (Bahy Txo). When Troi was just formed Troi had 30 members (called FADAO), each Ban had 6 members. Members of Troi are those from the rank of Upper Buddha who are transferred up when they meet conditions to be a member of Troi.

As of this year 2018, Troi has almost 600 members. Among these members there are 9 key members called VUKY constituting the supreme organ of Troi (called HYGHU) (similar organ on Earth called Standing Committee). HYGHU quickly decides everyday works of Troi. Each member FADAO is assigned with the task of managing and supervising all actions of planets and men in the Universe. Troi manages Universe and men with the system of Txe levels and the Psyche-sphere layer placed covering each planet. The Txe levels of Troi were created along with formation of Troi and the Psyche-sphere layer is created along with the formation of each planet.

1.2.2 Troi created the Universe and Men

In accordance with instructions of Shakyamuni- LANTIG Buddha, the Universe was created by Troi about 14.4 billion years ago by rotating of 5 constituent Bans Kim Mok Txuy Hoa Txo. At the beginning the Universe was created by a gigantic atomic explosion caused by very high velocity rotation of Troi to create the initial Universe. Earth men called this explosion “Big Bang”. At the beginning the Universe was very pristine. During the last 14.4 billion years, Troi has been continuously creating planets and systems of planets and men (including Rough Men and Astral Men) in the whole Universe, until today. As of today, Troi has created billion of billion of billion of billion (4 words billion, i.e 1036 ) of planets, 747 systems of planets, 3 Galaxies, 48 billion Astral men and about 39.3 billion Rough men in all 5 mankind-living planets in the Universe.

Below is some information about the formation of the Universe:

– Five Units Kim, Mok, Txuy, Xoa, Txo is Troi, formed around 64 billion years ago, created the Universe and Men by rotating motion.

– The Universe was created more than 14.4 billion years ago by Troi. There is only one Universe with 3 Galaxies.

– The Solar System was created about 4.6 billion years ago, and the Earth 4.3 billion years ago.

– The first Astral Man was created by Troi about 3.5 billion years ago. The first Rough Man was created on planet Zoh about 460 million years ago, and on planet Earth about 360 million years ago.

There are five planets in Universe which have human living on them, called as the mankind-living planets. Among these, 3 planets have higher civilisation than Earth and one has lower civilisation. The higher the ratio of Sprit/Body the more civilised the man (see Figure 2.1 and Table 4.1).

– The number of Astral Men in the whole Universe is about 48 billion and this number is constant (because this is a part of Troi). The number of Astral Men born and dead every year is equal. It means that if an Astral man dies a new one will be born.

– The number of Astral Men assigned to work in all these five mankind-living planets is about 7.2 billion (they are deities and gods etc.). The number of Astral Men assigned to work on Earth is about 1.5 billion (deities worshipped at temples, pagodas, communal houses etc. mountain deity, river deity, sea deity, earth deity, and the deities worshipped at home etc.).

1.2.3 Spaces of the Universe

The Universe is divided into Physical and Subtle space , or the Visible and Invisible space. Rough men live in the Physical space. Astral men live in the Invisible or Subtle space. The diagram of these spaces is illustrated in Figure 1.4 below

The Physical space is the space where Rough men are living. It is a three-dimension space (XYZ axes) and everybody can see this space.

The space with 13 levels as illustrated in Figure 1.4, from Prison level (immediately above the Physical space), going clockwise, to Troi level is Subtle space which we cannot see. The Subtle space is also called Information Space (everything here exists in the form of information wave, very light and subtle). The Astral men live in this Subtle space.

Figure 1.4 – Diagram of spaces in the Universe

The Subtle space includes the following spaces:

+ Prison space (all Astral men who committed crime are imprisoned here. Rough men committed crimes when they were alive, their Astrals will be imprisoned here when they die). This space comprises of 3 following levels:

– Dark Prison for Astral men who committed serious crime, they are imprisoned and shackled.

– Blue Prison for those who committed not-so-serious crimes, they are imprisoned without any fetters.

– Control system for Astral men who are keeping under surveillance.

In the Prison space, there is only imprisonment with shackling or without shackling. There is no torture like pouring boiling oil into mouth or sawing or cutting body as mentioned in literature of some religions.

+ Feeling space, including De level (the lay Astral man living in invisible space and the Astrals of lay Rough men after death dwell here) and Than Linh (Deity) level (the deities who are Astral men worshiped at home in many countries).

+ Semi-information space, is the space of Astral men who attained Tien Than(Divinity), Cao Tang (High-Virtue Bonze) and Kim Cuong Bo Tat (Colossus Bodhisattva).

+ Information space, including La Han (Arhat), Phat (Buddha) (having no Buddha name) and Thuong Phat (High Buddha) (having Buddha name). These are spaces of those who attained enlightenment or Dao.

+ Intelligence space, is the space of Thuong Phat (Upper Buddha), including 3 levels: Duc Phat (Upper Buddha) there are 10 ones; Duc Phat Nhu Lai (Tathāgata Upper Buddha)- there are 3 ones; and Phat To Nhu Lai (Tathāgata Founder Buddha), there is only one Buddha here (previously was LANTIG -(Shakyamuni) Buddha, and from 2018- Van Van Quang Buddha).

+ Everlasting space, is the space of Troi Supreme Power in Universe, not of any specific Astral man.

The further going clockwise, the lighter and more subtle is the light of space level.

In Figure 1.4, we see a number on each space level put in bracket. This is the number of levels for each space. Specifically: De space, there is no level, every lay Astral man here are the same. The spaces of Than Linh-Deity, Tien Than-Divinity, Cao Tang- High Virtue Bonze and Kim Cuong- Colossus Bodhisattva have 4 levels, with 4 is the highest (for example, Tien Than-Divinity such as Lord worshipped in pagoda or God worshipped in communal house of levels 1 or 2 will wear silk brocade without band, of levels 3 or 4 will wear band). In La Han-Arhat space, there are 10 levels. There are 10 levels in Phat-Buddha (no Buddha name) space and 9 levels in Thuong Phat- High Buddha space. In Upper Buddha space there are 10 grades. Duc Phat Nhu Lai- Tathāgata Upper Buddha and Phat To Nhu Lai-Tathāgata Founder Buddha spaces have only one grade. These Buddhas are honoured as the Highest Revered Buddhas.

In summary:

There exist in the Universe Physical (visible) space and Subtle (invisible) space. However, now mankind rarely talks about the subtle space. The civilization of the Invisible Subtle space is always higher than the civilization of the Visible one. Therefore, it is very helpful if we can have the assistance from the Invisible space. (We go praying in religious places for this purpose). The big mistake of mankind so far is we are not willing to cooperate with the invisible space. Those who make this cooperation are even being considered as “superstitious”, or “witched”. Cooperation with the Astral men in the invisible space will help us to have a lot bigger power. The Astral men can help us to do many works that Rough men cannot do on our own. They, however, only help us if we make our own effort.

What are some interesting theories on how the universe came into existence?

Below is the theory about Universe as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha (very often known as Gautama Buddha, but this name is the name when he was alive in that incarnation only) and noted down by Professor Dich-Van Van Quang BudhdaWhether you believe it or not is your choice.

1. Five Units (sometimes translated into English as 5 Elements etc but those translation are not correct) Kim, Moc, Thuy, Hoa, Tho is Troi, appeared since around 64 billion years ago, created Universe and Human by rotating motion (See what is Troi here:… ).

2. The Universe was created more than 14, 4 billion years ago by Troi. There is only one Universe.

3. There are 3 Galaxies in the Universe.

4. The Sun System was created 4.6 billion years ago, and the Earth 4,3 billion years ago.

5. The first Astral Man (simply put, you can understand it as our “soul”) was created by Troi 3.5 billion years ago.

6. The number of Astral Men in the whole Universe is about 48 billion and this number is constant.

7. There are five planets in Universe which have human being living on them. Among these, 3 planets have higher civilisation than Earth and one has lower civilisation. The higher the ratio of Sprit/ Body the more civilised the man.

8. The number of Astral Men assigned to work in all these five planets is about 7.2 billion.

9. The number of Astral Men assigned to work on Earth is about 1.5 billion (deities worshiped at temples, pagodas, communal houses etc, mountain gods, river gods, sea gods, saints, arhats, buddhas, or deities worshiped at home etc,)

10. The numbers of Astral Men created and destroyed (meaning born and dead), every year are equal.

11. The number of Rough Men born every year in all five planets is bigger than the number of death (that may explain the increase of population)

12. The first Rough man (which is us human being) on Earth was created about 360 million years ago.

Several indexes of the 5 human bearing planets (5 planets which have human being living on them) are shown in the table below. Names of these planets are names as given to them by Troi, not the way they called by men living on them. Earth is called Tzod.


5 mankind bearing planets formed a quadrangular pyramid with unequal faces and not lying on the same lateral face, as illustrated in figure 1, in which the number in bracket is the distance between two of them calculated in million years of light. So, do you expect that men on these planets can meet each other? Nevertheless, men on planets with higher civilisation have approached Earth several times and perhaps they are trying to help our civilisation.

Each planet belongs to its planet system, just like Earth is in the Sun System. Each planet system in the whole universe always has 9 planets.


Did this entire universe come from nothing or something unknown?

Yes, the Universe has an origin. It was created by a Creator called Troi. Troi. The below is taught by Prof. Dich —Van Van Quang Buddha (find more here

Troi (name is OAGHY) is a supreme power organ of the Universe, which consists of Five Units (normally translated as Five Elements / Processes) called as Kim, Moc, Thuy, Hoa, Tho (in Troi’s language as Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo).

Troi is a complex of Five Units forming a globe shape with diameter of about 2 kilometre. The globe itself consists of 9 smaller globes with the main one at the center having diameter of about 1.2 kilometer and spinning at a speed thousands times the speed of light, and other smaller globe orbiting around it . Troi (the whole complex) is rotating at a speed of hundreds times of the speed of light. Troi is located at the center of the Universe and is not a concrete man, god or individual almighty.

The Five Units, however, have life features, i.e they contain living elements within themselves.

Troi was formed about 64 billion years ago, prior to the appearance of the universe and mankind including Astral Man (who we can refer to as our soul. Astral men dwell in the invisible space) and rough Man (men residing on Earth and other planets in the Universe).

Troi created the Universe, planets and mankind by rotating of Five Units, initially by creating a big explosion (now we know as Big Bang, which is correct) to create the initial universe.

Universe was created more than 14, 4 billion years ago by Troi. There is only one Universe.

There are 3 Galaxies in Universe. There are billion of billion of billion of billion (i.e Sextillion) planets, 747 systems of planets (Sun system is one of them)

The Sun System was created 4.6 billion years ago, and the Earth 4,3 billion years ago.

The first Astral Man was created by Troi 3.5 billion years ago.

The number of Astral Men in the whole Universe is about 48 billion and this number is constant.

There are five planets in Universe which have human being living on them. Among these, 3 planets have higher civilisation than Earth and one has lower civilisation. The higher the ratio of Sprit/ Body the more civilised the man.

The Standing Authority below Troi is the Supreme Universe Council – SUC leaded by Śhakyamuni Buddha now Van Van Quang Buddha. Under this Authority are Councils called the Emperor (Kings of Heaven) Council – EC, and Buddha & God Council – BGC (Jesus and other Gods of global religions like Allah are members of this council). These councils follow the order of Troi to manage the operation of all planets and systems of planets, men and everything else in the whole universe.

Diagram below describes Troi

So what are Kim Moc Thuy Hoa Tho?

These are the first material states creating universe and mankind, called Five Units. These are relative concepts, not concrete materials. Kim is not metal, Moc is not wood etc. The Five Units are true.

Living Nature of Five Units

Living Nature means having feature of life in it. This Living Nature can be observed with the appearance of living of creatures including human, animals and plants in each of these Units.

Investigation of Living Nature of the Five Units

Some samples are created for observation of Living Nature of Five Units Kim, Moc, Thuy, Hoa, Tho.

For example: for observing Thuy, a group of people with highly opened divine eye (the third eye at the middle of the fore head) had put on a table a glass of clean natural fresh water and then prayed for water men, water animals and water plants to appear for observation. There was seen the picture as shown in Figure 1 below. There have been seen water human (appeared as tall ancient man, and mermaids), water animals (appeared as monkey without tail, and bull frogs), water plants (including tall trees with needle leaves, fern, growing in fen, seaweed growing in water, and green moss on mountain). All of these were revealed on a background of sea blue colour. It apparently showed that water has life features, i.e it’s living water. It means that Thuy is not natural water H2O as we often mistake, but living water.

Fig. 1

Similarly subsequent investigations to all other Units revealed the same features. Each Unit has its human, animals and plants. That leads to the conclusions that:

Kim is living Khí, white colour, not metal or natural air or wind (Khi is a form of invisible material state having five colours: green, red, white, yellow and black);

Moc is living wood, green colour, not wood of plants;

Thuy is living water, black colour, not water H2O;

Hoa is living fire, red colour, not burning fire;

Tho is living earth, yellow colour, not earth for cultivation.

The Five Units, however, are contained/ embedded in materials like Kim is contained/embedded in air, Moc is embedded in wood, Thuy in water, Hoa in fire and Tho in earth.

Understanding that the Five Units have living nature has a strong implication for us: we must respect them and must not waste or pollute the Five Units. Dumping wastes into a river to kill water human, water animals, water plants, earth human, earth animals and earth plants, wood human, wood animals and wood plants etc, is an act of genocide! We may have killed to many other living creatures that we haven’t known yet.

Does “absolute truth” exist? Do you know something to be absolutely true?

Everything in this universe is impermanent, i.e it is constantly changing and is subject to the law of birth and death. Thing is born/created and thing will die/be destroyed. So generally, nothing will be absolutely true forever. It will change. Nevertheless, in accordance with teachings Prof. Dich-Van Van Quang Buddha, there are a few things in this universe which are likely won’t change as they are the laws of the universe that are necessary to keep this universe in harmony and develop. These laws are as follows:

The Number 9 Rule of Troi (the Creator)

Troi, the Creator, promulgated a Rule, called the number 9 Rule which governs every operation in the Universe. This Rule works around the number 9 which is the highest number in the single digit sequence. This Rule is shown as follows:

1. Troi consisted of 9 satellite globes which are rotating around one center globe at the speed of thousand times higher than the speed of light. The center and 9 satellite globes also spin altogether at the speed of hundreds of times higher than the speed of light. So, these two kinds of movements displace the movement of Troi, make Troi spin at a very high speed, but always stand at the center of the Universe. (see further here…)

2. Troi consisted of 9 components: Five Units Kim Moc Thuy Hoa Tho, heat, energy, light and electron. These are elements that are sufficient to create the Universe and all beings.

3. There are 9 Combination Forces (CF) of Troi to create Universe and men. They are:

+ Atomic CF: created the universe.

+ Living CF: created all living beings.

+ Spiritual CF: created the Astral men.

+ Physical CF: created Rough men.

+ Tze CF: is a part of Troi placed in each Astral man and the soul of a Rough man to monitor every activity of men in the Universe.

+ Sound CF: created sound.

+ Heat CF: created hot and cold state.

+ Energy CF: created visible and invisible energy, i.e physical and subtle energy.

+ Supernatural optics CF: created light and darkness.

4. There are 9 Tze levels of Troi

5. Troi has 5 Departments which are Kim Department, Moc Department, ThuyDepartment, Hoa Department and Tho Department. The thickness of operation space of each Department is 9 km.

6. The Universe was created out of 9 components: system of planets, planets, energy, heat, light, Astral men, Rough men, animals and plants.

7. All systems of planets (there are 747 systems of planets in the Universe now) have one center planet and 9 satellite planets rotating surrounding the center one. The Solar system has the Sun and 9 other planets rotating on different orbits surrounding the Sun. (Scientists have put aside Pluto and do not consider it as a member of the Sun system is wrong).

8. Every planet in the Universe has a core at the center and 9 layers surrounding it, with the thickness of each layer equal one ninth of the planet’s diameter.

9. Each planet has an Information layer covering it, called Psyche-sphere. The thickness of this Information layer counting from the surface of the planet upward equal one ninth of its diameter. Every activity/event on the planet is recorded in this layer.

10. There are 9 levels of mankind civilisation among planets in the Universe. Mankind has not yet occupied Civilisation level 1,2,3 and 4. Level 5 is the civilisation of planet Zoh, level 6 is planet Hoph, level 7 is Thiaoba, level 8 is Tzod (Earth) and level 9 is planet Dhot. (See further here… and here:…)

11. Divine Khi pillar is of 9 meter high: there are many divine Khi pillars on the planets in the Universe with 5 colours: Green, Red, White, Yellow and Black. Those are parts of Troi Kim Moc Thuy Hoa Tho, that are placed in some places on those planets for monitoring all operations of the planets and mankind on them. Every Divine Khi pillar has the same height of 9 meter, only different in the strength of Khi arised.

12. There are 9 levels of subtleness of light in the invisible space. They are: De, Than Linh, Tien Than, Cao Tang Bo Tat, Kim Cuong Bo Tat, La Han, Phat (no name), High Buddha, Upper Buddha. Nguc (Prison/Hell) level where there is only darkness is not permitted to count in here.

13. There are 9 layers of aura/halo of Rough man (Picture 2). These are 9 layers of aura (or 9 levels of supersensuous or Via state) to assess the loving -kindness of mind of each Rough man. The more loving-kindness a person is the higher his level of aura is.

Picture 2

14. There are 9 chakras in the chakras system of a man. They are: Truong Cuong (Long and Rigid); Dan Dien (Elixir Field or Dantian), Ty (Spleen), Tam (Heart), Thien Dot(Heaven Projection), An Duong (Hall of Impression), Bach Hoi (One Hundred Meetings), Tam Bao (Heart Cover) and Dan Trung (Middle of the Chest). (Picture 3)

Picture 3

15. The Rough Man has 9 characteristics of thinking. They are: Logical, Astrological, Spiritual, Mental, Physical/Material, Mindful, Thinking, feeling, and Physiological. These are the capabilities of men to contact with the existing reality surrounding them. (whilst the Astral men have only 3 characteristics: logical, astrological and Spiritual) (the Astral man can also be understood as our soul)

17. Troi (the Creator) has 9 laws, which are:

+ Law of Troi Supreme Power

+ Law of Ying and Yang

+ Law of Motion of the Universe

+ Law of Number 9 Rule

+ Law of The first of a herd

+ Law of Spirit

+ Law of Natural Selection (which is a also known to Earth man by discovery of Darwin)

+ Law of Birth and Death

+ Law of Cause and Effect

These are the laws that Troi, the Creator used to govern and manage the operation of the universe and men. These are the absolute truth.

What happens to human consciousness after death?

Death is to walk into a new life. If we think of death as an end it’s a huge mistake and that mentality will negatively impact our life in the world of dead and our next incarnation. We should think about life as a big circle of life and death in which there is time we live in this physical/visible world and there is time we live in the invisible world. Who we truly are is the soul (so called the Astral man) that live in the body that we normally think is “us”. We are not the body that contains that Astral man. When the Astral man who is our true self leaves the body, we “die”.

Below is a short description of how a normal death happens as instructed from the high level in the universe.

The death will take place from feet to head. The vital energy that used to radiate outwardly now emits inwardly. Therefore, both feet slowly become cold before both hands and then the heart. When death reached the jugular notch, everyone knows surely they are going to die.

At this moment, the dead feel very calm, light, and free from material influence. When the soul finally arrives at the brain, it triggers past memories, and the entire lifetime starts to replay like a movie, exact to every minute of our life. This life time movie though only takes a very short time to finish. This phenomenon is known as ‘memory projection’. The moment of the replay is extremely important because the ‘memory projection’ exerts a great effect on the life in the invisible world of the dead. At this time, when the soul is free from the body so it is not impacted by the physical senses of the material body, the soul can look at its whole life in an equanimous and objective attitude. It can learn exactly what good deed or bad deed it has committed in this life and will know how to self-improve during the time it will dwell in the invisible world (before next incarnation). At the same time, the silver string that connects the physical body to the soul will permanently break.

Once this connection has vanished, the dead are completely in a coma and are unconscious so that the soul withdraws from the physical body. When the soul withdraws from his/her body through a secret point on the top of the head and out of the body, the person is completely dead.

The soul now starts to live a new life in the correspondent level in the invisible world in accordance with the lightness and subtleness of its vibration. The lighter and more subtle it is, the higher level it reached. It also means that the higher the level the soul will dwell, the more advanced such soul is.

Except for extremely cruel and terrible persons, the majority of the dead are awakened and dwelled in De level whose vibrations are not much different from those of the living world. At first, these souls feel strange and puzzled, but they gradually become familiar with it. Depending upon their sentiments and desires in the living world, they act accordingly. Normally, the soul will recognize that what they understand about death so far is so wrong. After a short time, they will feel extremely happy in the new world and feel like there is nice music enclosing and encouraging them.

Within 3 days from the date of death, the soul will normally stay around the corpse or in their house around their family. After 3 days, the soul will have to meet a saint (the name of this saint is varied in different religions and cultures. However, basically they are the same deity who can be called an official deity working under the “government” of the Emperor of Heaven). This saint will “reconcile” the “plus” and “minus” point in the soul’s whole life. Plus is for a good deed done, minus is for a bad deed done. The result of the reconciliation will decide in which level the soul will dwell. It there is only plus point left, the soul will dwell in high level and vice versa.

If the universe follows causality, how can there be free will?

The Universe is operating subject to certain laws, which are deterministic. These laws are impartial and just. They are absolute. I have discussed about these here:…

Every man has a destiny which is predetermined by our own actions of the past (in previous incarnations). We, however, have the free will to act as we want in every incarnation. The consequence of our actions are determined in accordance with the laws of Cause and Effect (or Causality). So the fact is if we cause some karma/bad consequences of our own action, we have to bear and repay for those karma/consequences. We cannot go out and say: God is unjust because I’m doing good but my life is full of mishaps. Those mishaps are the consequences of our previous bad deeds. What we do today will determine our life in the next incarnations.

Below are detailed discussion of this law Cause and Effect. It’s a bit lengthy but I hope it helps. The below is taught by Prof. Dich- Van Van Quang Buddha (read more here . (Some information or circumstances may vary from culture to culture or nation to nation, but the principle remains apply the same every where. The context below are typical of East Asian countries)

Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect stipulates: Men in the Universe (including Astral Men in the invisible space and Rough Men in the physical space) will reap the Effect of the Cause that they sow. Cause and Effect occur naturally, impartial to everyone, without exception.

For the Rough Man, this Law means: People who do something good, there is good fortune waiting for them afterwards, they will get a good return as reparation. On the contrary, if we do a bad thing a misfortune will wait for us in the future, we will receive a similar bad thing. In other words: to be good will receive good things, to be evil will receive evil things. The Law of Cause and Effect is shown every day in every man as good fortune or misfortune that comes to him/her. Whenever there is merit, doing good deeds for the community it will be rewarded with good fortune. Whenever there is sin, there is repayment for such sin in several ways, but most obviously in forms of illness: serious illness for serious sin, mild illness for mild sin. There are also other misfortunes.

The action of good or bad is marked on our Astral with the bright Virtue clots and the black Karmic clots. People who have compassionate and kind mind and do many good things, their Astral have many bright Virtue clots; good mind of kindness shows in outward appearance. People who always have evil minds will have many black clots, always shows in angry appearance.

Virtue and Karma go hand in hand in each Rough Man. Those who have heavy Karma will have little Virtue, and vice versa, have thickness of Virtue, Karma will be thin.

1) What is Karma?

Karma is the debt that must be repaid for bad deeds that had been done in the past, maybe in this incarnation or in previous incarnations. These are the black clots recorded in the Astral to mark all the sins committed in a lifetime. Karma has the power to demand for repayment, so called Karmic Force. Karmic Force brings about illness and mishaps, forcing us to suffer to repay for Karma. Karma induced by a person must be repaid by that person. Those who caused Karma must repay for it, and must repay fully for their Karma. Karma can be caused by one person alone but can also be caused by many people together (e.g. murder, stealing money together etc.). It can only be begged for delay in repayment of Karma (i.e. delay for not repaying in this incarnation but in future incarnations), but cannot be begged for eliminating Karma.

Black Karmic Clots are black clots that are marked on the Astral due to sins that committed in all incarnations, but not tantamount to crimes. Every sin that has been committed is marked by some black karmic clots, gradually accumulated, till now it is a time to repay for those sins by causing mishaps, illness, accident or disaster etc. Many bad events happened caused by oneself throughout life. For example: have pilfered, beaten others, scolded others without reasons, incited people to beat each other, lied many times, spitted or splashed dirty water on others, corruption etc. Table 2.2 is a record of the number of black clots marked by our sinful actions.

Table 2.2 Statistics of black Karmic clots by sins committed in incarnations [2]

Black Karmic Block: is very large black block that is marked on the Astral due to serious crimes tantamount to criminal in previous incarnations (such as murder, robbery and murder, brutal killing or genocide-like killing of animal, sabotaging of pagoda, church, breaking statute of Buddha/God, stealing for whole life, corruption, etc.). The Black Karmic Block forces us to repay for Karma. For resolving the Black Karmic Block, it must not be only by accumulating Virtue but also by begging for delay in repayment of Karma.

Only virtue can resolve Karma. We must accumulate virtue to use virtue for resolving Karma. In order to do so, it is necessary to practice the right way to eliminate all the bad things in our thought and in our karmic field.

2) What is Virtue?

Those are thoughts and actions that bring good to other people and society. Accumulating Virtue is striving to do many good deeds.

Virtues are marked in our Astral by Bright Virtue Clots. For every good deed done a few Bright Clots will be automatically received. Table 2.3 shows the number of Bright Clots recorded by good action.

Virtue and Karma are a pair of opposite categories and co-exist: Virtue are obtained from good, useful-for-society actions. Karma is born of bad, harmful-to- society deeds. Virtue is bright, Karma is black. If we do a good deed, we obtain one Virtue, also meaning that we reduced a Karmic Force. By accumulating Virtue day by day until certain time we will have enough strength to resolve all Karmic Forces. Hence, accumulating Virtue is the only way to resolve Karma. Karma must be repaid by ourselves, no one can repay for us. Our descendants or family members do not bear the Karma caused by us as well. It is not your grandchildren’s illness and mishaps that are caused by your faults in the past. If grandparents caused Karma, grandparents have to repay themselves, from one incarnation to others until completely repaid; no grandchildren have to bear for them! Our Virtue can be passed on to our children for giving them luck in life. That is the reason why the elderly people often try to save Virtue to give Blessing to their children. It is called the Blessing of the clan. Clan’s Blessing cannot help resolve our Karma, it can only help reduce our bad lucks. Having Blessing can limit bad luck. However, it does not mean that having blessing can always reduce bad lucks. Karma caused by ourselves can be resolved by our own Virtue only, not by Virtue of our grandparents.

Virtue and Karma can be exchanged for each other, resolve each other, which means using Virtue to pay for Karma. This exchange of Virtue and Karma is called the Universal Rule of Game.

Virtue Karma – Universal Rule of Game means: one has committed so many sins, is suffering from too many Karmic fields in his body, and is living miserably because of illness and mishaps etc. So, please accumulate Virtue and do as many good deeds as possible. One Virtue earned is one Karma repaid. If one accumulates Virtue big enough to repay all Karmic Forces then his Karmic field will be eliminated, all the mishaps will disappear.

Who will help us to reconcile these Virtue Karma? That person is Thanh Dia Tang, a Saint under the Emperor’s Council (belongs to Emperorism) of level equivalent to High Buddha level 6, and Duc Thanh Hien, a Thien Quan (Heaven Official) under Buddha’s House. When we die, after 3 days and nights, our Astrals must go to the invisible space to meet these two. They will reconcile the Virtue and Karma which had been recorded in our Astral right after we committed good deeds or bad deeds. Within 49 days after the death, the reconciliation of Virtue-Karma will be completed. Then our Astral is positioned in a level in the subtle space as shown in Figure 1.4. After reconciliation, if we have many Virtue remained we will be blessed with fortune in our next incarnation (we may be rich, have high social rank, be respected people, or have longevity, etc.). If there are many Karma remained, we will have to repay for those sins by having illness, disability, failure at work, unhappiness in life, short life expectancy, etc.

That is the reason why all religions teach us to live honestly with love-kindness.

Figure 1.4- Diagram of spaces in the Universe

In the future, we discover proof that the afterlife exists and is far preferable to this life. What sense would it make to remain here?

We don’t have a choice. Majority of human being incarnated to live in this Earth (or elsewhere) in this Universe because we have to do so. Man was initially created by the Creator with quality of purity and Truthfulness, Goodness and Perseverance.(Truthfulness, Goodness and Perseverance are inherent quality of the universe so that every thing born in this universe will have those qualities.) Those men did not have a body as we have now and they are invisible. They are our souls. They dwell in high level in the universe.

Along the way as we develop more and more attachments to materials and loosing our Truthfulness, Goodness and Perseverance, we decended to lower levels in the Universe, and till today, to the lowest level of the Universe, the level of material. In this level, we have a body and we lost all our ability to communicate with the invisible world where we once dwelled. We think that this body is our Self and that’s also the reason we are so attached to material. We don’t believe that there is another world which is our real world. There is another “man” in our body which is our real self.

We are to be here in this material/physical level because we (the soul) are so heavy that we can’t go back. Why are we so heavy? Because we are so attached to material? We so crave for materials, passions and feeling in our life that we can’t escape from such craving even when we died and our soul go back to the invisible world. The soul (our real self) still want to live the material life that it needs to incarnate again.

Another reason we have to be here on Earth is during our life as a human being, we caused so many karma for our self. Karma can be understood as a negative energy that will be recorded/attached to our soul. These karma are created because of every bad deed we committed while living. A bad deed can be considered as an action which is not meet the standard of Truthfulness, Goodness and Perseverance which are inherent qualities of the universe. Truthfulness, Goodness and Perseverance is the laws of the universe, the nature that men (and other creatures) have to follow and observe.

These karma make us “impure” and heavy so that we can’t elevate to higher level in the universe. Only when we attained the Arhat level, i.e become an Arhat, that our soul is purified and light enough to stay back in the invisible world and do not have to go incarnated again. When we attained Arhat level, we can be called “enlightened”. And this is the true meaning of the word enlightenment.

I have discussed about incarnation here:…

and here:…

Are we alive for any actual reason that is larger than we can comprehend or are we just alive to live and die?

This is a philosophical question. For each person and the whole humankind, there are probably 4 big questions we always want to know: who we are? where did we come from? What is the meaning of our life? and where will we go?

I have briefly discussed the question “who we are?” and “where did we come from?” here:…

and here:…

Below is also a short description of history of generations of human being on Earth, and answer to the other two questions “What is the meaning of our life? and where will we go?”. But before we go to the answers, we need to understand an important concept: Spirit Ratio. The information below is taught by Professor Dich-Van Van Quang Buddha (read more his writing here)

Spirit Ratio (SR) is a ratio in percentage between Astral and Body of a man, or between Spirit and Material. It simply means that between Astral and Body of a man which one is stronger? We have the following formula:

SR = Spirit/Material = Astral/ Body

Spirit Ratio is a fundamental Law of the Universe. This is a truth.

Some definitions for the concepts used below:

Rough man: means human being subsisting in the form of a physical body.

Astral/Astral man means our soul if the word soul is more acceptable to you.

Each Rough Man has a Body and an Astral which is an Astral Man occupying the Rough man’s body since he is a foetus in mother’s womb (this can be called incarnation in which the Astral man takes a body to become a Rough man). Whether a man is intelligent or compassionate is determined by this Astral.

It is the Astral or the Astral Man inside our body that is our real Self. Our body is just borrowed for this incarnation. For the next incarnation we will borrow another body to be another Rough Man.

According to the law of birth and death, our body can only last for maximum around 100 (Earth) years but our Astral can last for 250 years (year of the invisible space), equivalent to 300 thousand Earth years. If we assume one incarnation is about 150 Earth years (if a man lives for 75 years, after he died, he has to live at least another 75 years in the invisible space before he can incarnate again. So in total, one incarnation is about 150 years), the Self shall have to live 2000 incarnations.

This has shown that the Astral man which is our real Self is a lot more important to take care of. We probably will have 2000 bodies, or in other words 2000 Mr. X or Miss. Y for the whole life span of about 300 thousand years. The body will be disposed after about 100 years. That’s the reason why we have to take care of cultivation to increase our Spirit Ratio

A person with higher SR will have higher capability and abilities to access invisible space, therefore becomes more intelligent and has ability to do extraordinary works.

Mankind generations on Earth

Mankind on Earth has passed 4 generations as follows:

a). Generation 1: was born about 460 million years ago. Their body was almost 10m tall, existed in Khi (i.e, airy) form; not yet separated into sexes; SR was 100%; had no material element of body so that they didn’t need to eat but subsisted by energy of light of cosmic radiation. These men had 4 eyes: 2 eyes on fore head to see the visible world which is physical space, and 2 eyes on back head being divine eyes which are able to see in the ethereal realm of invisible space. Mankind at this period was often able to access the highly developed technology of the invisible space. This generation was the first Rough Man generation came from the invisible space. They were Astral Men once dwelled in invisible space but were neglectful of cultivation so they were brought down to the physical space for cultivating. We called them the first generation of Rough Man.

b). Generation 2: was born around 250 million years ago. Their body was almost 3m tall; didn’t need to eat and subsisted by energy of light; not yet separated into sexes; SR was 100%; had 4 eyes as the generation 1 and started forming some material elements of Rough Man’s body, but still not visible.

c). Generation 3: was born around 150 million years ago. Their body was more than 2 metre tall; not yet separated into sexes; SR was about 95% (i.e, the Astral occupies 95% and the Body takes only 5%), started eating as they formed material elements of Rough Man body but still subsisted mostly by energy of light from invisible space. Mankind at this period became more and more neglectful of cultivation, gradually lost their goodness so consequently one divine eye was deactivated/withdrawn and only 3 eyes left: 2 front eyes to see the physical space and one back eye to see the invisible space. Troi had forced man to work to earn living. Mankind at this period was still able to access the invisible space to call for help, but the capability for this access had significantly been reduced.

d). Generation 4: was born around 10 million years ago, which is our existing Rough Man generation. Height is around 2m. In this generation the Body had been formed and separated into sexes. The Astral Man in the form of Khi is hidden in the body, being the Astral. The SR reduced to 21/79 (i.e the Astral accounts for 21%, the Body accounts for 79%). This Spirit Ratio is far below that of the first generation. With the body, mankind separated into sexes (male and female), has to eat to subsist and is no longer being fed by the energy of light. As man increasingly loses their goodness, the last divine eye was withdrawn and hidden inside the forehead; man then can only see the physical space but not the ethereal realm any more. Since then, only those who diligently cultivate and live honestly can activate this divine eye.

Mankind has to work to feed their material bodies so they have to labour. At first, they earn living by collecting fruits or hunting animals in the forest. Gradually, they learn how to work to create food sources. By that way, man moved upward step by step, developed knowledge from simple to sophisticate until today. Because of need for eating, man has to make living that leads to scrambling and plundering foods from each other, creates private ownership, pillages food producing resources like land, forest and sea etc,. That also leads to war, despoiling, corruption and greedy for power. That’s a vicious circle of the existing mankind falling deeply into evils day after day. To break out of this circle mankind must turn back to cultivating to live honestly to increase this Spirit Ratio.

From the formation of 4 generations of mankind, we have learnt that because of neglectfullness in cultivating, mankind’s morale is degrading resulting in increasingly low Spirit Ratio; being punished to stay away from the invisible space and being forced to labour for subsistence in the physical space. Mankind’s divine eyes were withdrawn/deactivated, from 4 to 2, then to 1 and nowadays even still existing but cannot be used.

Spirit Ratio of Rough Men on other planets

In accordance with instructions of Śhakyamuni Buddha, there are five planets with Rough Men living on them. These planets formed a quadrangular pyramid with unequal faces and not lying on the same lateral face, as illustrated in Figure 1, in which the number in bracket is the distance between these planets and Earth measured in million years of light. Name of these planets are name as called in the invisible space.

The average Spirit Ratio of a Rough Man living on these planets as follows:

+ The largest planet, Bg, has the highest civilisation, Spirit Ratio 70/30;

+ The second planet, Sc, has the second highest civilisation, Spirit Ratio 63/37;

+ The third planet, Th, has civilisation ranked third, Spirit Ratio 50/50;

+ Earth is the fourth planet, has civilisation ranked 4th, Spirit Ratio 21/79;

+ The fifth planet is the smallest one, called Fv, has the civilisation ranked fifth, Spirit Ratio 18/82.

Figure 1: the relative positions of other mankind bearing planets in the Universe

Basing on the Spirit Ratio, mankind on Earth intelligence ranked fourth, only higher than one planet. To attain higher Spirit Ratio, we must care for cultivating our body and mind to make the Astral inside our body become more purified, light and compassionate and the body become healthier but not taking the larger proportion in the Spirit Ratio. In other words, we must cultivate to make our spirit more lofty and our Astral to elevate to higher level. In addition, the Spirit Ratio also depends on the gravity of each planet. On planet with lower gravity it’s easier to increase the Spirit Ratio.

The laws of Universe provide that: Human being in any planet, wherever they are living in, physical space or invisible space, must strive to increase the Spirit Ratio. This law simply means that Rough man should care more for Spirit development but not materialism.

Higher Spirit Ratio can be attained by cultivating towards a lofty and compassionate mind. Diagram 2 shows average Spirit Ratio of a Rough Man living on Earth cultivating to achieve certain level in invisible space (from low to high), as follows:

· Nguc Toi (Dark Prison) and Nguc Thuy (Water Prison) (those who are repaying their Karmic debt will dwell here after death),

· De Level (normal Rough Man’s Astral dwells here after death),

· Than Linh (Deity) Level (e.g, level of deity worshiped at home),

· Tien Than (Divinity/God) Level (e.g, level of lord worshipped in pagoda, saint worshipped in church),

· Cao Tang (High Virtue-bonze Bodhisattva) Level,

· Kim Cuong Bo Tat (Colossus Bodhisattva) Level (e.g, level of dharma protectors in pagoda),

· Lahan (Arhat) Level (e.g, arhat worshipped in pagoda),

· Phat (No-name Buddha) Level,

· Thuong Phat (High Buddha) Level,

· Duc Phat (Upper Buddha) Level (e.g, Shakyamuni is in this level).

(the name for each level of the Universe as mentioned above are names as called in Buddhism. Other religions may have different names but in nutshell, they refer to the same level or hierarchy in the universe)

In this diagram, we can see that a Rough Man cultivating to attain Duc Phat Level has spiritual percentage equals 60/21= 2.86 times) higher than a lay man who has his Astral dwelling in De Level. Majority of us, dwelling in De level after we die, have the average Spirit Ratio of only 21%. Once we reach La Han level, we will have the Spirit Ratio of 41/59, and has attained enlightenment.

Figure 2: Cultivation level attainable by Rough man

The Spirit Ratio goes along with the compassion of one’s mind, reflected in its Index of Mind Vibration – IMV, as shown in Figure 3. This is a parabolic curve showing that the higher level one attained the more compassionate his mind and the higher vibration index his mind has. In particular, man attained De level has mind vibration index of 17, La Han level is 190, Upper Buddha is 500. Those who are repaying their karmic debt has mind vibration index of 4. Those who are punished by deities (by placing photogenic tumor into their body, causing cancer) has mind vibration index of 9. Those who have higher mind vibration index have less diseases and illness. Figure 2 and 3 show that Spirit Ratio and mind vibration index has correlation relationship: those who have higher Spirit Ratio also have higher mind vibration index.

Figure 3: Mind Vibration Index

Now I hope that the above gives you some idea on where will we go after death and what would be the purpose of our life on this Earth.

Why souls are always blissful?

Firstly, the assumption in your question is not always correct. Not all the souls are full of bliss, knowledge and all souls are not eternal. The soul of a normal person is not too far different with himself when alive, i.e that soul is still full of prejudices, cravings, passions or lusts. A soul full of bliss, knowledge is the soul of a highly evolved person (in term of spiritual development). It takes time and space to discuss about these matters and the invisible worlds here, so I try to discuss something about incarnation and why we come to us as human being.

Who are you?
You are a rough man living on Earth, that’s a fact that everyone knows. But who are really you? Where did you come from is a difficult question to answer. You will say you were born by your parents, won’t you? Then who gave birth to your parents? Your grand parents, did they? Then who gave birth to your grand parents? Your grand grand parents and so on untill you ask “who gave birth to our first ancestor? Do you have the answer?

First , you are a Rough Man (a human being living in the physical space), but it’s your soul (which can be called the Astral Man) inside your body that is actually you. This Astral Man is you that was created by Troi – the Creator. (See here to understand what is Troi…). If the Astral man leaves your body to go back to the invisible space you die. The Astral Man inside you once dwelled in the invisible space, and flew down from there to the physical space to incarnate as a Rough Man. Our parents only gave us the body which is the underlying gene passed down from generation to generation. It’s the Astral man which is your real Self that exists for hundred thousands of years in the invisible space. Your body is only borrowed. For each incarnation in the physical space your Astral man needs to borrow a new body. If you incarnated in the physical space for 100 times, you would have borrowed 100 bodies. So as a Rough Man, you have an Astral man plus a body given to you by your parents so that it’s heavy enough for you to stay in the physical space. You are under an honour mission to cultivate in the physical space to upgrade yourself so when you die, you can leave the body and go back to the invisible space and will be able to dwell at a higher level in the universe.

Once dead, our body will decay but our Astral man (which is our real Self) will go back and dwell in the invisible space. Someday, that Astral man will come back to the physical space to incarnate as a new Rough man. Passing though many incarnations, it can reach higher and higher levels in the universe. Everyone can strive to elevate to higher levels following this route. The route, however, is full of difficulties and the time is limitless. You will have to live many incarnations in the physical space. Once you attained Arhat level (i.e become an Arhat) you won’t have to incarnate any more. But if you want to go back to the physical space for cultivation and practice, no one prohibits you from doing so. You may also be assigned to go back to help mankind in physical space.

2. By which way did you come to incarnate in this physical space?

There are 2 ways leading you as an Astral Man from the invisible space to come to the physical space:

First, if you are an advanced Astral Man, you can determine by yourself to come to the physical space to help the Rough Men (like you volunteer to do something); or you can be assigned to come down to the physical space to help the Rough Men.

Second, if you are not an advanced Astral Man, committed many mistakes and is being imprisoned in the invisible space, you are forced to come down to the physical space for cultivation and practicing.

So generally there are 3 circumstances in which you as an Astral Man can come down to the physical space. Those are:

Assigned, i.e you are assigned by the universe to come down to the physical space to help the Rough Man;
Self-determined, i.e you volunteer to come down to the physical space to help the Rough Man; and
Forced to incarnate for correcting mistakes, i.e you committed crimes in your previous incarnation and you are forced to come down to the physical space for correcting your mistake. Maybe you are also forced to come down to the physical space to repay for the Karma you created in your previous incarnations. It means that as a Rough Man, you can be assigned, self-determined or forced to come to the physical space.
For coming down to the physical space, you need a body so that it’s heavy enough for you to stay there. That’s the reason why you need to borrow a body of a child newly formed as a foetus in the mother’s womb. At such time you become a Rough Man born by your parents. After death, your soul (i.e Astral man) will come back to its place in the universe.

3. How does an incarnation process take place?

An Astral man named X living in the invisible space has to go down to the physical space (for cultivation and practices). The Astral man X needs to have a body to stay in the physical space so he possesses a fetus in a mother’s womb. Mr. Astral man X will have to reduce his size to the size of one cell to harmonize with the fetus. Mr Astral man X will grow up along with the fetus and has the appearance of the baby and with time, becomes an Earthy man (which I will call a Rough man) named Mr. Y. That Rough man Y is the Astral man X resides within a body for cultivating and practicing in the physical space. When the Rough man Y dies, Mr Astral X will escape the corpse and he goes back to the invisible space and become Mr. Astral man X1 (because of his cultivation/practices in the physical space, he becomes a better (or worse) Astral man, a different Astral man, so has a different name X1). That Astral man X1 will undergo another round of incarnation by becoming the Rough man Y1 born by a different mother in a different family and so on.

Each time an Astral man go down to the physical space to be a Rough man is a time he incarnates. In which family and in which place he will incarnate depends on his Karma and subject to the law of Cause and Effect.

Could there be humans elsewhere in the universe, and we're all just not technologically advanced enough yet to discover each other?

Yes, there are humans out there in the universe. We haven’t discovered them yet because relying on the technology that we have today on Earth, it may take hundred thousands of years or more for us to be able to reach them (without any certainty). We, human on Earth, too often have illusion about our capability and think of ourselves as the unique creation of nature, only appear on Earth but nowhere else. We are less open to the idea that things that we cannot see with our naked eyes also exist. That prevents us from learning and knowing about a lot of things that are helpful for our life, our advancement and for the peace and prosperity for human on Earth. In this universe, there are things visible and things invisible. The invisible worlds are the worlds of creatures (those creatures, I should call them the Astral men. Our soul is an Astral man lives within the boundary of a physical body. This Astral man is our real self) with a lot more advanced technology than we have. Ridiculously, most of things we have ever created from ancient time until today are what we learn from those invisible worlds. Ideas come to scientists, inventors, philosopher etc by the help of men living in the invisible worlds. They influenced and injected such ideas into the mind of living human (but we think that we “invent” or “create” such things).

People who cultivated and attained high level in enlightenment can develop capability and open their divine senses to see and contact and work with men dwelling in these invisible worlds.

I have discussed about universe, UFO and humans on other human bearing planets here…, and here…, and also here…. These are the information as instructed by Shakyamuni and Van Van Quang Buddha who are among the highest and most treasured Astral men in this universe.

Do you think there are aliens somewhere in the universe? Why or why not?

I have given my answer to similar question here:…

It’s hard for many of us to believe that there is a Creator (who is not an individual Supreme Being) who created this universe and men and so, He placed men on certain planets. And there are 5 human bearing planets in this universe. About the Creator, please read further here:…

In addition, there are 3 other planets which used to bear human being:

  • Mars: yes, it’s Mars in our Sun system. Human being once resided on Mars but due to Mars cooled down and desertification, it is no longer suitable for human life.
  • Bakaratini planet of Sentour Galaxy. There used to be human being on this planet. The planet then collided with a comet and everything was destroyed.
  • Naxiti of Sentour Galaxy. Just like Mars, it used to have human being but extinguished due to its cooling down.

Note: there are 3 galaxies in the whole universe, names of these galaxies as called in the invisible space are: (i) IHOPHY (about 8 billion years old): there are 2 human bearing planets in this galaxy; (ii) SENTOUR (about 6 billion years old) which is our galaxy: there are also 2 human bearing planets in this galaxy. Earth is one of them; and (iii) VAGHIVA (about 4 billion years old. There is one human bearing planet in this galaxy.

Are aliens and UFOs real?

The answer is Yes, they are real.

Do we have evidences about them? Yes we have. Among thousands of pictures about UFO and aliens out there, many of them are fake but some of them are true. They are real picture of UFO which visited us.

Now, the questions, where are these UFO and aliens from?

There are 5 human bearing planets in the universe. It’s human inhabitated planet, so the people who living on those planets are basically like us. They may be bigger and taller but they look mostly similar like us. So we probably should not call them “aliens”. We as normal people do not know about this but those who attained very high level in cultivation/practicing with their divine senses activated can see and even communicate with men from these planets.

Why and when these UFO visit Earth?

They are from much higher developed civilization and they come here to help us. They help us because they want to help human being on Earth to build a better world and achieve higher civilsation, stop warring and destruction of environment. They may also come to look for a new alternative living place. They have come to Earth since ten thousands of years back.

Why can they come to Earth?

They developed highly advanced technology on their planet and can have spaceship travelling a lot faster than speed of light.

Why can they have such technology?

In brief, what we as human being (or can be called as Rough man) have on Earth today or elsewhere in this universe, we all learn and have support from man (called the Astral man) living in the invisible space. The invisible space is much more advanced than the physical space where we are living. One rule of the universe is the better the human being (i.e the better they are of truthfulness, Goodness and Perseverance) the higher civilization (and technology) they can develop. Those UFO and extraterrestrial men are far better than us human being on Earth.

Can we catch them or fight them?

No we can’t. We have illusion about our ability and weapons. We are no way able to catch or fight against those extraterrestrial men. They, in fact, always try to avoid us when the are seen by human being. They escape and run away because they don’t want to fight or kill us. Killing is the biggest crime in this universe and killer will be heavily punished after death and in his next incarnation.

Read more about other planets visit to Earth here

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