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Motherism Heresy

Picture: Traditional painting of Three Palaces of Holy Mothers

In Vietnam and China and some other Asian contries, Motherism, or often translated into English as Mother Goddess Worship, is a popular indigenous religion. Recently, it is found out that some parts of Motherism has degenerated into Heresy and operate against Troi and Buddha and human kind. The article below is a translation of the latest update of Prof. Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang in relation to the war against High Treason and Heresy in the universe.

So what is Motherism Heresy?
Motherism Heresy is a form of Heresy in Motherism. These are organizations of the Astral men (Ying men), with the support of Rough men Motherism followers. According to the law of motion of the universe, all things and phenomena in their development process always have 2 opposite sides. In every religion, there are always the Righteous Orthodox and the Heresy. In Motherism, there are also Righteousness and Heresy, here below will be called Motherism and Motherism Heresy.

1. Motherism
Motherism originated in China over 4,000 years ago, then spread into Vietnam, developed into a native Motherism, reflecting the culture of the ethnic areas. Nobody knows exactly since when Motherism came into Vietnam. Motherism in Vietnam worships women who made contribution and merit in their Rough man’s life (i.e, life in the physical space), who are worshiped by people as goddesses, mother goddesses such as National Mother, Queen Mother, Holy Mother, all with specific names. In Vietnamese Motherism today, it is popular to worship Mother Goddess in Three Palaces. They are Mau Thuong Thien (Mountain Mother ), Mau Thuong Ngan (Forest Mother) and Mau Thoai (Water Mother), called the Three Palaces of Holy Mother. These Mothers have all cultivated to the High Buddha level. This article discusses in depth the worshiping of Three Palaces of Holy Mother.
Mountain Mother is often worshiped on top of a mountain, on open-air altar. There is only one Mountain Mother, currently attained High Buddha level 8. She is currently a member of the Highest Universal Council FOGHY chaired by Upper Buddha Shakyamuni LANTIG.
Forest Mother is often worshiped in the middle of the mountain, in a temple. There are several Forest Mother of High Buddha level 5 or 6.
Water Mother is worshiped in temples at the foot of the mountain or next to pagodas. There are many Water Mothers, often of High Buddha level 3 or 4.
There are many temples for worshiping of Mothers in Vietnam, each province or city has several hundreds to thousands of Motherism temples. In addition, there are also places to worship Holy Mothers with specific names such as temple of Thanh Giong mother, temple of Nguyen Phi Y Lan, temple of Ba Den, etc. There are also countless Motherism shrines in family houses. Those facts show how popular Motherism has developed. Among Motherism temples, Lieu Hanh temple (called Phu Day temple or Ke Day village temple) in Vu Ban district, Nam Dinh province is a well-recognised temple.
On the main altar of Forest Mother or Water Mother temples, Emperors (of Heaven) are also often worshiped. Below them are the worshiped Mothers (Forest Mother or Water Mother). Then comes the row of Chau Ba statues, then the row of Quan Ong Hoang, then the Co Cau (Little Boy and Little Girl)’s row. At the bottom is the Five-Tiger cellar (representing the Five Hanhs/Units of Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo). In many Motherism temples there are shrines to worship Co Cau, Than Linh or land deity outside the temple house.

2. Hau Dong (Sorcery Dance)
Hau Dong is usually held in Water Mother temples, sometimes even in Mountain Mother temples. In many family houses with shrines to worship Water Mother, they also organize this ritual at home. A lot of family members happily come to attend and encourage the ceremony (Figure 1). This is an exchange activity between Rough men and Deities.

Figure 1- Mother Goddess Shrine in family house

Hau Dong in a Mother Temple
Hau Dong is a form of active meditation. While dancing to the beat and rhythm of the song and instruments, Hau Dong performer is actually resting. They temporarily forget everything about their mundane lives to communicate with the Deities in the invisible world. The person who performs Hau Dong is called Thanh Dong in general. If Thanh Dong is a male, it is called “Cau”, a female will be called “Co” or “Mrs. Dong”. At every Hau Dong ritual, there is always a group of musicians and singers to accompany, called “Cung Van”. Thanh Dong dances following the music of dan nguyet (the moon-shaped lute), phach, canh, senh, drums and bells. The kind of song performed is usually chau van or hat noi (story-telling music), with the content praising the sacredness of the Deities and the beauty of the scenes in Heaven. In 2016, the UNESCO recognized Hau Dong as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Vietnam. This proves the true cultural value of Hau Dong. However, it is not always as good as expected.

3. Motherism Heresy
Motherism Heresy is a collection of Astral men, dating back to more than 360 years ago, to compete with the orthodox Motherism. They are also Buddhist cultivators, sometimes have attained High Buddha level 3 or 4, but switched to Heresy activities. Motherism Heresy uses violence as basis to force Motherism followers to follow them. They built underground caves just below the main altars at Motherism temples, and make it invisible so the Mother worshiped above doesn’t know. The Mother worshiped on the main altar are Buddhist cultivators, they cultivate Goodness. They also teach their Rough men followers to live kindheartedly to accumulate virtues. However, they still have the desire to be worshiped by Rough men so they sent deities to mobilise people to follow Motherism to have a large number of worshipers. They let the deities follow and whoever they found having a sincere mind of worship, they will pick them, considered as their disciples. Those who are picked since then are always reminded of going to temples to pray. Many of them are considered as “predestined” for Hau Dong. Actually, they are just victims. The Mother can bless and support a number of Rough man disciples to have physical energy of up to about 17-25 thousand Bovis (ordinary Rough man only has 13-14 thousand Bovis). Those people then develop some abilities such as fortune telling by looking at hand, areca-nut and curing some simple diseases. That is because they have a deity assigned by the Mother to help them all the time. Their predicting ability is due to being told by this deity. On the full moon days, when the deity is away for praying, these people become impotent, unable to tell anything, so they cover up by saying they don’t work on those days. Such cultivation is still low.

Operation of Motherism Heresy
Motherism Heresy operates in Motherism temples in the following forms:
a) Violence to force Astral (Ying) men and Rough men to follow Motherism.
It’s not rare to see deities following Motherism Heresy forcing many Rough men to follow them. In ritual ceremonies in temples, these Deities watched and if found any Rough men who have sincere worship mind, they placed a hat or scarf on their heads to pick them as disciples. Since then, these people are always reminded of going to Hau Dong. Figure 2 shows the hats and the scarves being worn on the heads of followers. As the hats and scarves are in Khi form, it can only be seen with divine eyes.

Figure 2- Hats and scarves of Motherism Heresy
Many people have been worn with a hat and scarf for around 10 incarnations. Now, in this incarnation, they practice Buddhism but obstructed by Motherism Heresy, caused to have illness or cannot sit for meditation because of pain. To rescue these people, the Motherism Heresy must be destroyed. Thanks to the support of Troi and Buddha, the Motherism Heresy was eliminated. Quite a lot of people suffer from this trouble.
The Astral men can be enslaved to serve them in the Motherism Heresy organizations. If they resist, they will be imprisoned by them.

b) Against Buddhist Rough men
Motherism Heresy is also operating against Buddhist cultivators. Those who have Buddha altar at home and have cultivated to high level such as Buddha or High Buddha are more susceptible to their violence. For example:
On August 29, 2020 Troi and Buddha destroyed an underground cave of the Motherism Heresy in a Motherism temple located on a mountain side in North Asia (Figure 2) after discovering that a female Buddhist cultivator of Buddha level 6 was placed with a hat 11 incarnations ago. This person always feels painful all over her body, sometimes found herself sitting and dancing alone. Right under the ground of this Motherism temple is a 3-floor basement system that locks the Buddhists cultivators and those who refuse to follow them inside. On the mountain behind the temple, there is a worshiped throne of this Motherism Heresy leader. This woman was tied up in front of the throne. Every day they forced her to dance in front of the throne. Under the throne is a black box which is the door to a 3-floor cave running deep down the foot of the mountain, used as the storehouse of hats, towels, amulets, violent tools (such as locks, ropes, pins …), and a warehouse of black balls used to place into body of the victims. Destroying these balls is very difficult. One 9-headed demon leader of High Buddha level 6, and 4 6-headed demon vice-leaders were arrested. Only after destroying all the facilities of this Motherism Heresy, were the hats destroyed and all violence tools eliminated from the patient body.

Figure 2
In a high-rise residential area in District 2, Ho Chi Minh City there is a Buddhist family who cultivated to High Buddha level but their house is always being violated. Family members are always sick and tired. It is found that deep underground of this building is a warehouse of Motherism Heresy’s amulets, including 4 big jars imprisoning the spirits of Astral men, under each jar is a turtle effigy. This warehouse has a tunnel connecting to a Motherism temple in district 5 and to Ba Den temple in Tay Ninh. This is the lair of the Motherism Heresies. Troi and Buddha had to destroy these Motherism Heresy to destroy the above-mentioned amulets warehouse and rescued this family, and at the same time, rescuing many Buddhist cultivators imprisoned by them.

On October 21, 2020, spirit of a princess from the Ly Dynasty came to beg for rescue because she couldn’t speak due to her mouth being locked by the Motherism Heresy. This is the Motherism Heresy in a temple in Ninh Binh province. The temple no longer exists, but there are still tunnels deep in the mountains where the Motherism Heresy is operating. Troi and Buddha destroyed this Motherism Heresy’s lair, arrested the leader of High Buddha level 6 and 4 deputy leaders of High Buddha level 3 and 4, freed more than 600 Buddhist practitioners who were locked in deep bunkers. Only after that, was the mouth amulet burnt, freeing the abused princess.

c) Nurturing Co Cau spirits
There are many shrines to worship Co Cau in Water Mother Goddess temples. The Holy Mother recruits these deities Co Cau to this place for cultivating. Many Co Cau refused to cultivate, abandoned cultivating to play, and then invited many friend wraiths to the temple for ritual ceremonies. Every Rough man who came to these ceremonies were abused miserably by these spirits, especially, children if penetrated by these wraiths will have unusual temperament, unruly, or drop out of school etc. Many adults also suffered from being penetrated by the adult wraiths seeking offering at the ritual ceremony, causing them diseases. The Holy Mother worshiped in the temple did not know about these. In order to rescue people penetrated by wraiths, in many cases the worshiped Mother Goddess needs to be invited to take these wraiths away. This is also a form of activity of Motherism Heresy in Motherism worshiping sites. So more harm than good for Rough men coming to these places.

d) Rough men involved with Motherism Heresy
Some bad Rough men followers of Motherism took advantage of this, campaigning to build shrine for Mother Goddess or Deities at people’s house, sometimes the cost reaches hundreds of millions VND. Many families went broken because of this. This is a form of abuse by Motherism Heresy under the cover of religion activity. They spread the rumour that this or that person is predestined to worship Mother Goddess or Deity so they must have worship shrine, otherwise they can’t live. They also have certain deities help them to make those people suffered or ill, thus forcing them to obey. Once they obey, they are healed. But after having a shrine, their life does not get better. This is actually a form of coercion.

The operation of Motherism Heresy shows that people need to be wary of worship at Motherism sites. If you find being penetrated by wraiths or being “chosen” and your body unusually tired, you need to look for high level psychics to be rescued. Medicine cannot cure this disease.
UNESCO recognition of Hau Dong as an intangible cultural heritage is not always a good idea. A Hau Dong culture that has both the Righteous/Oxthodox part and the Heresy part but is formally recognized means equating Righteousness and Heresy in Motherism. That is because UNESCO and our authorities are not aware of the Motherism Heresy operating here. Therefore, all cultures related to the Deities and Saints of the invisible world need to be carefully considered by UNESCO. Do not recognise if it is not cleared of not having Heresy/evil element.

Currently there is a movement to build Motherism shrines right in the pagoda yard. This is also wrong. In pagoda, there is only worship of Troi, Buddha, and Emperor, not Mother Goddess. Motherism Heresy is fighting against Troi and Buddha, so why worships it in the temple? Monk are Buddhist cultivators, not Motherism cultivators, therefore should not take care of worshiping for Motherism temple because that is not one-minded Buddhist cultivation. Cultivation like that gains nothing, because it is not blessed by Troi and Buddha. And if organising Hau Dong rituals in the pagoda, it even worse! Motherism Temple should be built at the mountain foot, or if on the mountain along with the pagoda, it must be built outside the pagoda ground, and managed by ordinary people. The monk is the caretaker of the pagoda, not the caretaker of the Motherism temple. Each religion must be separated from each other. Monks need to understand this.

Prof.Dich – Upper Buddha Van Van Quang


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