In his book “Thiaoouba Prophercy” Michel Desmarquets when reporting about his trip to planet Thiaoouba mentioned Thao’s (a Thiaoouba resident) warning that money is one of the most polluted and dangerous thing that human on Earth have ever created. It’s dangerous be cause it amplifies our greed and drives us to do worst things that unimaginable to humans on more advanced planets, like Thiaoouba. More seriously, those may be crimes against of the Laws of Troi for which we have to bear the consequences.
Prof. Dich – Upper Buddha Van Van Quang also taught us on this subject matter. Below is his teaching.
Money is the worst thing in human’s society on Earth.
It is greed for money that makes men become despicable, scrambling from each other, killing and robbing just for money; endless wars are just for seizing of natural resources (that generate money); embezzlement and corruption are for money, dumping un-processed wastes into rivers and seas is also for money. So, factory owners who are secretly disposing wastes into rivers and lakes, killing both aquatic animals and plants, don’t expect that it makes more profit. They are committing genocide and will have to pay for it, sooner or later, according to the Law of Cause and Effect.
In short, money poisons people and makes them become brutal and merciless. It is the selfish extreme materialism that leads mankind to move backward.
1. History of money evolution
Money is as harmful as mentioned above so it is best for mankind to abandon using money. But the history of human evolution forces us to use money. Money also has the positive side, helping to improve the way of life. Money is a conventional object of value, making trade easy, buying and selling becomes simple.
Humans on man-inhabited planets all started from not using money, to using money, and then back to not using money. When there was no money, animals were exchanged for animals, like chickens for cats, dogs for pigs. Then the bartering, like firewood for rice, vegetables for meat, etc. When money appeared, first it was in the form of metal coins, then paper money, then electronic money, then digital cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin… Finally, all money is abolished, progressing toward the supermarket civilization when very high technology is achieved and goods are abundant, allowing everyone to work according to their ability but use according to their needs. The reality of human social development on all the man-inhabited planets has proved so. The diagram in Figure 1 shows the social development cycle of money.
Figure 1
2. Money on man-inhabited planets
The appearance of money in all man-inhabited planets is long after the appearance of man.
In the universe we are living in, there are 5 man-inhabited planets. But Earth men know only that Earth is inhabited. The 5 man-inhabited planets in order of civilization from high to low are as follows:
1) Planet Zoh: 96G Technology. Humans appeared 460 million (Earth) years ago. Money first appeared 120 million years ago.
2) Planet Hoph: Technology 82G. The corresponding order as above is 420 and 90 million years.
3) Planet Thiaooba: 62G Technology. 390 and 70 million years, respectively.
4) Planet Tzod- Earth: 5G Technology. The order is 360 million and 9,000 years, respectively.
5) Planet Dhot: No electricity yet. The order is 320 million and 2 thousand years, respectively.
The space map of 5 man-inhabited planets is shown in Figure 2. (numbers in parentheses are distances of millions of light years).
Figure 2
Based on the above, we can see that documents mentioning that coins appeared for the first time on Earth from 600 BCE seems to be too late.
3. Planet LOHAMA has men living on it
Planet LOHAMA is located in the Infinitive Space, outside of the Universal Space. This planet has a flat rectangular cuboid shape, about 75,000 km in length, 56,000 km in width, 4,600 km in thickness. It was formed about 540 million of billion years ago and rotates on a flat orbit. There is a solar system with 8 planets here. The air temperature on planet LOHAMA is around 25-27 degrees Celsius. Gravitational acceleration is 8.6 m/S2 (9.8 m/S2 on Earth). There are rivers, mountains, seas and forests on this planet. The humans here are called the Upper Sacred Men. There are nearly 8.9 million of them. They are Yang-Yin Rough men who can transform into Yin men whenever they want. They were created about 560 million of billion Earth years ago. The average life expectancy is 1.2 million of billion Earth years (over 120 of this planet year). This planet is not divided into countries. There is a family system of the Royal Great Antiquity Nature leading the whole planet. The first number of people created in this Royal family was just over 5,000. By 2021, there are about 1.6 million people. At the top is a Chief Superior with the highest rank. They use 220v electricity and 670G computer system. The first coin appeared about 460 million of billion Earth years ago. Money was abolished more than 300 million of billion Earth years ago. Everyone travels by transposing body at very high speed.
So, at the time of the year 2021 there are 6 man-inhabited planets in the Infinitive space and Universal space. Readers who still do not believe this should consider this information as a reference. Wait for the day of proof!
According to the above-mentioned social development cycle, money will be abolished on Earth sooner or later. It will be the time when human civilization can produce abundance of material wealth so that everyone could work according to his ability and use according to his needs.
4. The World Great Community
It is a world of Rough men living in harmony together in lofty love, no war, no looting, no jealousy or envy. Man’s society will have been highly developed at that time. Mankind civilisation, based on the development of information technology, allows the production of so much material wealth that everyone can work according to his ability whilst use according to his needs, and does not need money. To achieve this civilisation, Rough Men on Earth have to make long-term efforts, for the very far future. But we have a deep belief in that because as of the present time, there are three mankind civilisations in planet Zoh, Hoph and Thiaooba in the Universe have already been there. They also have programs to help our planet Earth. Thank you friends from far-away planets! Right here on Earth, there appear the first signs of this civilisation in some developed countries in the West. There, the medical services, general education, public transport in the city, etc. are taken care of by society; people do not have to pay.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) in his work “The Capital” (Das Kapital) mentioned a communist society without classes in the future, in which people work according to their ability and use according to their needs. This is a wise prediction, rightly reflecting the inevitable law of mankind development on the planets.
According to Prof. Dich’s prediction, in about of 500 years later, the Earth will no longer need money, but there are still wars. Readers who have now cultivated to High Buddha level 3 or higher, when their lifespan ends and returns to Troi space (invisible space), can attest to this statement.