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Change in the Law of Troi

This post is the latest teaching of Prof.Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang. This change in Troi’s Law, once effective, is likely one of the most radical change for Rough man society on Earth or on any other planets.

Troi Supreme Power has recently promulgated changes in Troi’s Law as follows:
Effective from February 2021, if a Rough man commits crime in his existing incarnation in the physical space, Troi will punish him immediately in this incarnation and will not defer such punishment until the following incarnations as applied currently.
1. Former Law of Troi
Those who commit crime in their existing incarnation will be punished in accordance with the local laws of Rough men. If punishment of Rough man’s laws is not tantamount to the crime (for example, the crime is deserved for 20 years imprisonment but only 5 years sentenced), or if crime is overlooked, Troi and Buddha will condemn the criminal in the following incarnations for the necessary punishment. The crime and the sentence owed will be recorded on the Astral of the living offender. Upon death, the Astral returns to the invisible space (Troi space) carrying this sentence and will be subject to the punishment in future incarnations.
The downside of this law is that the living offender just needs to wriggle out of the local laws to avoid being punished and still live comfortably to continue committing other crimes. In the next incarnations, when Troi imposes illness, shortens life expectancy for punishment, they do not know why they are sick, unhappy or have mishaps in all aspects. When they come to a high level psychic for help to examine their previous incarnations and get known of such crime, yet they do not believe it, and even blame the psychic for superstition.
For example: In this incarnation, one went to unroof the pagoda on the mountain to steal an ancient Buddha statue, carried it down to the mountain foot and escaped. The local government could not find the culprit. The criminal still lives uncaught for the rest of his life. Now that is not allowed. Depending on the seriousness of the crime, the culprit will be allowed to live up to 1 to 3 months and then must die, the Astral will be forced back to Troi space for imprisonment in Prison level. No criminal can escape.
2. New Law of Troi

Troi’s new Law stipulates the punishment for Rough man who commit crimes depending on the seriousness of the crime. The first punishment is to arrest 4 out of 9 Via (supersensuous state) to imprison in Dark or Blue Prison and set a time limit for death so that the Astral will be imprisoned in Prison level in Troi space.
The Dark Prison has 5 levels, from 1 to 5, with 5 is the heaviest: it is used to imprison serious crimes such as murder for robbery, causing serious injury to others, brutally torturing others, living as goon or thug, heavy corruption, destroying the living environment (such as indiscriminately discharging waste into rivers and lakes), killing animals brutally or genocide-like, killing monks, stealing Buddha statues for sale, blasphemy of Troi and Buddha, following Heresy or High Treason against Troi and Buddha.
Specific punishments are as follows:
– Detained in Prison level 5: death after 1 month.
– Detained in Prison level 4: Death after 2 months
– Detained in Prison level 3: Death after 3-4 months
– Detained in Prison level 1-2: Death after 5-6 months
For example: A person went to the pagoda to beg for delay in repayment of karma for his 5-year-old grandson who murdered 4 people in his previous incarnation and now has to live in illness and unable to speak. But this man did not believe in it, so his grandson couldn’t get permission to delay his repayment of Karma. He had to go home to repent for 10 days and then can return for the praying again. This man came home and scolded the Buddha “You uneducated!”. This person’s Astral was immediately arrested and imprisoned in a Dark Prison level 5. After 1 month, he suddenly fell seriously ill, had a coma, lost consciousness, was hospitalized for 3 days, then died. His wife and son were accomplices, condemning the Buddha with the same mind, so after 2 months, they also died. Obviously, this crime is punished immediately in this incarnation.
The Blue Prison has 5 levels, with level 5 is the heaviest: it is used to imprison less serious crimes such as life time stealing, stealing of private and public property, embezzlement in working place, beating and torturing others, use violence with monk, blasphemy of deities and gods, live undutiful to parents.
Punishment by god or deities: A form of punishment by deities or gods who govern places of worship (such as communal houses, pagodas, temples or shrines) applied to those Rough men who come to steal offerings and money in those places. The punishment is to put tumors in internal organs which is called cancer in medicine and cannot be cured. But if they get help of a high level psychic to go to pagoda or to the place of worship where they committed the crime to repent to Troi, Buddha and the deities, they will be forgiven, all tumors will be removed, and the sickness is cured without medical treatment.
3. Who is Troi?
Full name is Troi Supreme Power of the Universe, shortly called Troi. Name in Troi space is OAGHY
Troi created the universe, the planets and men (both Astral men and Rough men), that why Troi is called Supreme Power, i.e. very high power in the universe.
Currently Troi has 16 Troi Councils. Each Council has nine Councilors, responsible for governing over one-ninth of the universe. The Councilors of Troi Council all are of high level equivalent to Upper Buddha. The Chairman of one Council is called Chief Troi. The head of all nine Councils is called Troi Supreme Power.
No one can conceal from Troi
Troi has two measures to manage men:
(i). To place the Psyche Sphere (Information Layer) on the planet to record all the activities of that planet, including man-bearing and uninhabited planet. The Psyche Sphere with the thickness of 1/9 of the planet’s diameter covers the entire planet (Figure 1). Any action we do is automatically recorded in this Psyche Sphere. When there is need to investigate, Troi just looks into the Psyche Sphere to know all. Example: The Psyche Sphere captures an image of a person burning a forest etc.

Figure 1
(ii). To place a Txe level in each Astral man and Rough man. The Txe level is a part of Troi placed in each of us. All activities of each person are automatically recorded by this Txe level. It is like a giant flash drive recording all activities in every hour and day throughout the life of each man. When there is need to investigate, Troi just needs to open the flash drive to see it all. Example: a person entering a pagoda to steal a bronze incense bowl for sale, the flash drive when opened shows that this person hided the incense bowl under his shirt and ran. Nothing to deny; or the flash drive shows a boy in England stealing a bread from the store. So it means that the Txe level records every tiny to big thing, nothing missed.
With these 2 measures of management, Troi knows everything. That’s why it is said: Nothing can be concealed from Troi. So you should live sincerely to Troi, do good deeds and always be grateful to Troi for Troi’s blessing.

Read more about Troi and the Laws of Troi here.

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