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The Law of Spirit


Troi (OAGHY), the Creator, promulgates 9 fundamental Laws to manage the operation of this Universe. These Laws are the absolute laws of the Universe. Everything in this Universe including men is subject to the operation of these Laws.

These Laws are:

  1. Law of Troi Supreme Power
  2. Law of Am (Ying) and Duong (Yang)
  3. Law of Motion
  4. Law of Number 9 Rule
  5. Law of the Head of Herd
  6. Law of Spirit
  7. Law of Life- and- Death
  8. Law of Natural Selection
  9. Law of Cause and Effect (read more about this Law here)

This article is an explanation of the Law of Spirit extracted from the book “Universe and Man – The Theory of Relationship” by Prof. Dich -Van Van Quang Buddha (more about the book here).

The Law of Spirit stipulates: Every Rough Man and Astral Man in the Universe has obligation to develop their spirit. 

In a nutshell, this Laws means that evolution in terms of spirituality is the direction man has to undergo. That is dictated by the Universe. Man, however, has a choice in this. If he clearly understands and chooses to follow this Law proactively, he will be rewarded. If he lives in ignorance of it, he will be dragged on by it and will harm himself for this ignorance.

The Law of Spirit is featured by the Spirit Ratio (SR).

1. Spirit Ratio (SR) is a ratio in percentage (%) between Astral and Body, or between Spirit and Material.

SR = Astral/Body = Spirit/ Material

The SR means that between the Astral and the Body of a man which one occupies the higher share. Everyone should strive to increase his/her own SR, i.e. to gradually increase this percentage. The higher SR one has the more compassionate and loving-kindness his/her mind is and the higher level in the Subtle space that person can reach. The Spirit Ratio is depicted in Figure 2.1.

In Figure 2.1, we can see that a Rough man who is repaying his Karmic Debt with his Astral being imprisoned in the invisible space has the SR of 14%, whilst a normal Rough man who came down to the physical space from De level has the SR of 21%. Those who cultivated to attain La Han (Arhat) level, has Spirit Ratio of 41%, and Duc Phat (Upper Buddha) level, 60% or higher. The SR goes along with Vibration Index of Mind.

Figure 2.1- Spirit Ratio of Rough man

2) Vibration Index of Mind

The Vibration Index of Mind (VIM) shows the Level of Kindheartedness of Mind of a person, and is elucidated in Figure 2.2. This is a parabolic curve showing that the higher level a cultivated Rough man attained the more compassionate his mind and the higher his VIM is. In particular, those who achieved De level has mind vibration index of 17, La Han (Arhat) level is 190 and Upper Buddha is 500. Those who are repaying their Karmic Debt just have VIM of 4. Those who are being punished by deities (by placing flashing/photogenic tumor in their bodies, causing cancer) has mind vibration index of 9. Those who have higher mind vibration index have fewer diseases.

Figure 2.2- Vibration Index of Mind (VIM) of Rough Man

We can see in Figure 2.2 three distinctive periods. They are:

+ Period 1: from Repaying Karmic Debt to Tien Than (Divinity): in this period, the curve rises very slowly. This is the beginning of the cultivation process and there are many difficulties. Only by overcoming this period then will the cultivation process be able to pick up.

+ Period 2, from Tien Than (Divinity) to La Han (Arhat): the cultivation process has picked up quickly. The curve rises more steeply, showing that the cultivation is progressing faster than Period 1.

+ Period 3, from La Han to Duc Phat (Upper Buddha): this is the stage where the cultivator has achieved high level of compassion and love-kindness, attained Enlightenment and above. The progress of cultivation is fast due to the accumulation of fruitful cultivation resulting from many previous incarnations. The curve at this stage is distinctively steeper.

The curve in Figure 2.2 tells us a true reality: anyone can cultivate to become a Buddha. Just cultivate following this curve upward. It is just as Shakyamuni LANTIG Buddha once taught when he was alive: “Tathagata is the Buddha has become, all beings are the Buddha will become”. Hence, you shouldn’t think that cultivation is only for Saint-like people. It is not so. It is rightly for you. You have to cultivate by yourself for many incarnations. It’s only the matter of whether you are willing to cultivate or not. Even if you are not willing, you have to do it eventually because it is the Law of Troi provided for everyone to conform, whether Rough man or Astral man. That’s why it is said that “Cultivation is the duty of everyone”. Those who think that death is the end of everything (so that they should live fast to enjoy life) is not true. Cultivation mentioned here is not just taking pledge to live in pagoda or becoming a priest in church. That is only one way of cultivation. If you are an ordinary person, you can cultivate at home to progress upwards, provided that you are always bearing in mind the need of cultivation to become a man of compassion and love-kindness in this incarnation. If you do not think about it now, it is already too late.

3) Relationship between VIM and SR

The Vibration Index of Mind (VIM) and Spirit Ratio (SR) have a close relationship depicted with a curve in Figure 2.3.  Those who have high SR also have high VIM. In this Figure, we also see that the curve can be divided into 3 periods as in Figure 2.2: in Period 1, peaked at Tien Than (Divinity), both VIM and SR are low. In Period 2: from Tien Than to La Han (Arhat) these indexes are significantly higher. Period 3 from La Han upwards, both indexes increase steadily. That is the reason why it is called that reaching La Han is attaining enlightenment (here it is similar to learning a foreign language, a threshold like “La Han”, should be achieved to be able to speak and listen well in this foreign language).

Figure 2.3 also shows that men on Earth will have SR of 60% or a little bit higher if they cultivate and attain Duc Phat level. In accordance with teaching of Shakyamuni LANTIG Buddha, a lay Rough man on the man-bearing planet Zoh which has the highest civilisation in Universe has SR of 70%. The reason they have such high SR is because their planet has lower gravitational acceleration compared to Earth. That is a favorable natural condition for men on this planet to have lighter body, and so, have higher SR and consequently have higher civilisation than Earth. Men on this planet live compassionately with love-kindness; they can walk like flying, live for the community and don’t use money; and there is no looting war. They live with charity to each other. So can you guess whether they need nuclear weapons? Those things mankind on Earth are proud of as our “mankind civilisation”!?

Figure 2.3- Relationship between VIM and SR of Rough Man

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