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Man’s chakra system

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Rough man has 9 chakras. These are main acupoints located on Nham vessel(1), directly interfacing man with the Universe space. These are the gates for receiving Khi and Universe energy into the body. At each acupoint, there is a diaphragm made of atoms of the physical space to prevent the influence of the invisible space. Khi and Universe energy go through these gates in vortex shape, like two funnels put on each other rotating clockwise.

The chakra is composed of curled wings (more or less depending on its location on the body) and has different colours. Only those who have activated divine eye can see Khi flow into these chakras.

The position of chakras (CKs) is numbered in Figure 1 as follows :

– Chakra 1: At acupoint Truong Cuong (at the end of the spine), has four gray curled star wings;

– Chakra 2: At acupoint Khi Hai/Dan Dien, symmetrical to acupoint Menh Mon, has 18 star wings with different colours;

– Chakra 3: at Ty (Spleen), has 7 orange (dominant) star wings;

– Chakra 4: at Tam (Heart), has 12 red (dominant) star wings;

Figure 1- Man’s Chakra System

– Chakra 5: at acupoint Thien Dot  (suprasternal notch), has 14 dazzling silver and blue star wings;

– Chakra 6: at acupoint An Duong (at the middle of the forehead), has 24 pink and yellow star wings;

– Chakra 7: at acupoint Bach Hoi (middle top of the head), has 960 multi-coloured star wings with colours from other chakras. In addition, there are 16 Tu Than Thong star wings making four pillars of an antenna pan rotating on the top of the head.

– Chakra 8 : at acupoint Tam Bao (Heart Cover), has 6 red purple (dominant) star wings;

– Chakra 9: at acupoint Dan Trung (in Middle of the Chest), has 9 brown yellow star wings.

In Figure 1, we see that chakras 2, 5, 6 are paralleled by the main acupoints on Doc Vessel(2) that are symmetrical across the axis of the body. The front is the center of feeling (following Nham- Vessel), the back is the center of will (following Doc Vessel). Each Chakra has its own function that governs  body activity, helping the body to interface with Universe space. Depending on the degree of opening of the chakras, one can approach at certain levels into the mind inter-feeling space, i.e. the subtle space in the Universe. When we sit for meditation, the body is purified according to the mechanism: Universe energy and Khi spin into the chakras in the front, and then bad Khi exhausted through the main acupoints corresponding to the chakras in the back. Of the nine chakras mentioned above, Chakra 2 and Chakra 7 play special important roles.

Nine aura(3) levels of Rough man

Rough man has nine aura levels (Figure 2) surrounding the body. This is 9 levels of supersensuous state (Via state) (4) showing the degree of kind-heartedness of man’s mind. The more kind-hearted the man, the lighter his Via state is, the farther his aura emitted from the body.

Those whose Astrals are at De or Than Linh-Deity level scale, their aura is at level 1, close to the body. While Upper Buddha has Via level at 9th level. So to say a person has heavy or light Via. The aura levels here do not mean that every man has nine Via(s). Each Rough man has only one Via that reflects the Astral’s lightness.  

Figure 2 – 9 aura levels of Rough man


Tinh Khi Than (5)

Tinh-Khi-Than are 3 treasures of the body, closely related to each other, promoting each other.

+ Tinh  is the source of human energy, created from liquid substance in the body. There are 2 types of Tinh: Tinh Tien Thien connecting with the stem cells of the breed and Tinh Hau Thien  created by converting food into nutrients for nourishing the body). Tinh is the life force of man.

+ Khi is the essential substance in the form of Khi in the body promoting the operation of organs, meridians, blood vessels. Khi is formed from forging Tinh. Thien (Duong- Yang) Khi and Dia (Am- Yin) Khi converge in Dan Dien (navel area), under the impact of heart heat are transformed into Main Khi. Main Khi has five colors (blue, red, white, yellow and black) corresponding to the five organs (liver, heart, lung, spleen, kidney). It is the living energy of man.

+ Than (Appearance) is the outward manifestation of man’s activity, is man’s perception, is the process of controlling nerves. Than is the synthesis of man’s feelings, thoughts and actions. Than is formed from forging Khi. Main Khi purified enters into spinal cord and brain creating the activity of Than. Purifying Khi well will make Than sublime, refined and vigorous, that makes the person live long. For having vigorous Main Khi, there needs to have a healthy lifestyle in harmony with the nature and should know how to receive external Tien Thien Khi (6) to supplement Main Khi. The process of formulating Tinh-Khi-Than always takes Dan Dien as the center of purifying (7).


(1) Nham Vessel: The longitudinal axis in front of the middle of the chest of the body holding the chakras.

(2) Doc Vessel: The longitudinal axis along spinal column holding great acupoints lying symetrycally to the chakras.

 (3) Aura: The halos around man’s body.

(4) Via state: The state of lightness or heaviness of the Spirit    

(5) Tinh Khi Than  are 3 precious things of a Rough man.

(6) Tien Thien Khi : Khi in the invisible space of the Universe.

(7) Purifying: The action to clean the spirit and body of a person.

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