The Universe has 2 more Upper Buddha who were Earth citizens. This good news was informed by Prof. Dich – Upper Buddha Van Van Quang.
On 12th December 2019, Troi Supreme Power issued Decrees honouring 2 new Upper Buddha.
1. Upper Buddha Van Thu, Upper Buddha degree 3. When alive on Earth, He was a Srilankan, Buddha name HABA CA (Powerfulness). He was a High Buddha level 9, now promoted to Upper Buddha degree 3.
- Read more about Upper Buddha HABA CA here
Upper Buddha HABA CA (often called (wrongly) by Earth men as Manjushri)
2. Upper Buddha Pho Hien, Upper Buddha degree 2. When alive on Earth, She was a Nepalese, Buddha name LAFA HA (Kindheartedness), a Mother Buddha. She was a High Buddha level 8, now promoted to Upper Buddha degree 2.
Read more about Upper Buddha LAFA HA here
Upper Buddha LAFA HA ( (often called (wrongly) by Earth men as Samantabhadra).
So from now on, we should not call them Bodhisattva anymore, but Upper Buddha. All pagodas can place additional statutes for these two Upper Buddhas. The drawing of Buddha above are those accepted by them.
As of December 2019, there are 15 Upper Buddhas in the whole Universe, among them 8 were from Earth when they lived their last incarnation, and 7 from other man-bearing planets.
So you also knew that the Universe is always changing, the Upper Buddhas also changed. Nothing stays still, please remember that.
Updated: HABA CA and LAFA HA have recently been removed of all Buddha titles, no longer being Buddha, due to sympathy and support to Heresy and Treason against Troi Supreme Power.
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