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Evolution of Man


What we have known about the evolution of man? Probably very little. The way we are trying to find out about our ancestors and understand them is too primitive to give us a full, let alone, true picture of our past. Anthropology and archaeology have diligently been digging, for hundreds of years , into the ground to find relics of the past. From pieces of relics we found here and there, we try to solve the puzzle and paint a picture of our evolution. From what we see we start writing our history. Unfortunately, most of what we found to date and what we see are not revealing a true picture of our origin and evolution. We probably haven’t found all pieces of the puzzle? Or probably we will never find enough? Or we find it from a wrong place? It’s probably so.

We have discussed about the Psyche-sphere where all the information about what happened on a planet is stored here. That’s definitely the place where we can find information about our origin, our ancestors and our evolution. The information there is not just pieces of relics. It’s probably can be a movie if you like watching a movie. It’s everything you want to see about our past. We, however, does not know how to exploit the information from there yet.

The information below is taught by Shakyamuni LANTIG Buddha and noted down by Professor Dich-Van Van Quang Upper Buddha in his book Man and Universe – The theory of Relationship (read his website here)

A. Four generations of Rough Man

As of the present time, there are 5 planets with Rough Men in the Universe (see here). According to the teachings of Shakyamuni LANTIG Buddha, Rough Man on 5 man-bearing planets from the time being created till now have undergone through four generations.

The following discussion is specific for Rough Man on Earth (planet Tzod), Figure 5.1:

1) The First Generation was born about 360 million years ago. Their body was about 10 meter tall, existed in Khi form; not yet separated into sexes; no need to eat but subsisted by energy of subtle light. These men had 4 divine eyes, located on 4 sides of the head according to 4 main directions: North (on the back of the head), South (on the forehead), East (on the left), West (on the right) to see in the subtle realm of the invisible space. Man at this period had 4 divine eyes so was often able to access the highly developed technology of the invisible space. They also have 4 divine ears to hear from the subtle space. This generation was the first Rough man generation came from the invisible space. We called them the first generation of Rough man.

Figure 5.1- Men of Four generations

(Illustrated by Pham Thanh Ha)

2) The Second Generation was born around 250 million years ago. Their body was almost 4 meter tall; didn’t need to eat and subsisted by energy of subtle light; not yet separated into sexes; started forming some material elements of Rough man’s body, but not yet obvious. Still had 4 divine eyes and started forming 2 rough eyes to see the physical space.

3) The Third Generation was born around 130 million years ago. Their body was more than 3 meter tall; started eating as they formed material elements of Rough man body; was separated into sexes, and still subsisted by energy of subtle light in cosmic radiation. They had 2 rough eyes to see the visible space. Man at this period became more and more neglectful of cultivation, gradually lost their goodness so all 4 divine eyes could be used to see the subtle space only when absolutely necessary. They could only see the invisible space after praying. It means that Troi had forced man to work to earn living. Mankind at this period was still able to contact the invisible space to call for help, but this capability had gradually been reduced.

4) The Fourth Generation was formed about 10 million years ago, is our existing generation of Rough man, about 2 meters tall. To this generation, the body exists so there are sexes. The body being Khi form is now hidden in the rough body, creating an Astral. Because of having a body, man now has male and female sexes, and has to eat in order to survive, and is no longer fed by the energy of subtle light. Due to the increasing loss of kind-heartedness, all divine eyes were withdrawn, consequently man can only see the physical space, but cannot see the subtle/invisible space. Since then, only those who diligently cultivate to live kind-heartedly can open their divine eyes. Man now has to forage for foods themselves to feed their physical bodies so they have to work. At first, they lived simply by collecting fruits and hunting animals in the forest for food. Gradually, they learnt how to labour to create food source. By that way, man moved upward step by step, developed knowledge from simple to sophisticate until today. Because of the need for eating, man has to make living that leads to scrambling and plundering foods from each other; creating of private ownership; pillaging food-producing resources like land, forest and sea etc. That leads to war, despoiling, corruption and greedy for power. That is a vicious circle of man increasingly falling deeply into evils day after day. To break out of this circle man must come back to cultivating to live kind-heartedly to accumulate Virtue.

From the formation of 4 generations of man, we see that because of neglectfulness in cultivating man’s morale increasingly deteriorated, then got punished step by step to stay off from the invisible space and was forced to labour for subsistence in the physical space. The divine eyes were also withdrawn gradually and nowadays even still existing but cannot be used. Upon death, the Astral in the Body returns to the invisible space, and then incarnate again in another life. And so on, going up along the vortex movement of the Universe, until the Rough man is kind-hearted and lofty enough to stay in the invisible space to be an Astral man and does not need to go back to the physical space (from La Han (Arhat) level and above).


+ The process of replacing the 4 generations of Rough man mentioned above is a continuous process of gradual change, and at some point in time man’s nature changed to become a new generation. It is not in a way that at a certain time the old generations were suddenly eliminated and replaced by the new generation.

+  Rough man today has only one open door to develop is to cultivate to have kind-hearted mind as to be able to activate the divine eye hidden in the forehead, and other supersensuous-state senses. Then man is able to communicate with the invisible space to receive help from the high level of development there. At this stage, you have returned to the status of third generation Rough man.

B. Darwin’s Theory on evolution of Man on Earth

According to Darwin’s theory (Charles Robert Darwin, 1809-1882, British natural scientist), all species on Earth have undergone a natural selection process to survive. His theory is depicted in a schema of a tree, that all species originated from one root, in which men were formed by the process of growth from single-celled to multi-celled animals, to invertebrates, to aquatic vertebrates, then reptiles on land, then mammals … then monkeys, ape, and then the first man on Earth. All happened thanks to the process of movement and labor to adapt to the development of living conditions from low to high. Thus, Darwin’s theory is not in line with the matter that man was created by Troi as discussed here. Rough Man has an Astral being an Astral Man, but animal has not, so animals cannot evolve into men.

Now, when asked, Darwin himself from the invisible space acknowledged that men are men, animals are animals, and animals cannot evolve into men. He also acknowledged that men were created by Troi. He said that his doctrine is correct to the extent that the law of evolution of all species is the natural selection process: beneficial mutations are accumulated, harmful mutations are excluded according to effect of natural selection. In particular, forms of low adaptability are excluded, forms of high adaptability to the new living conditions are preserved. Under the influence of natural selection, all species are growing in an increasingly diverse and increasingly organized and adaptive manner.

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