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Who designed this Universe?

(Picture credit:

(This article is a teaching of Prof. Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang Hugo Hama. All drawings are his drawings)

That is the King-Father of the Universe.

Diameter of the Universe is about 126 million light years. (It means, if we shooted a ray of light at the speed of about 300 thousand km per second, then it would take 126 million years to go through the diameter of the Universe). There is only one Universe. There are  billion of billion of billion of  billion = 1036 planets, 3 Galaxies, 48 billion Troi men, 39,3 billion Rough men existing in 5 man–bearing planet in the Universe.  It is the King-Father of the Universe who designed it.

* The King-Father of Universe was created by Lords The Sacred 196 billion physical years ago. He holds the highest position, created the Universe. The Universe was designed by Him  with the assistance of Lord All Powerful Supremacy (APS), and after that appointed an executive apparatus headed by Lord Top Supremacy and Lord APS to supervise it. This apparatus is described as in Figure 1. 

Figure 1 shows that Lords The Sacred created the King- Father, Lord APS, Lord Top Supremacy, Lord The First Supremacy and Lords The Second Supremacy. Among them Lord Top Supremacy is the top leader of the operating apparatus of the Universe. Under Him there are 5 Lords from Superiors to Troi, and then the Highest Universe Council FOGHY including Upper Buddhas and Emperors. This is the system comprising of all the Supreme Highnesses who are operating all actions in the Universe.

The King-Father directs only to Lord Top Supremacy. And Lord Top Supremacy leads all positions under Him. Lord ASP supervises over the apparatus of Lord Top Supremacy. When supervising or controlling, He can overspread energy covering the entire operating management system of Lord Top Supremacy (the dashed line in Figure 1).   

   The organ of the King-Father is a glowing golden sphere, with diameter of 6 kilo meter, locates in the North and is 500 million light-years from the Universe sphere. Inside the sphere is full of golden light. A 4-winged pinwheel rotates clockwise. When rotating counter clockwise, the door is open. The door is oval-shaped of 3-meter height, (Figure 2a).    

   The apparatus working at the King-Father’s Palace consisted of 9 Counsellors (lower than Lord All Powerful Supremacy, but higher than Lord Top Supremacy) and 5 heads of 5 Bahys Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo (equivalent to Lord The First Supremacy level) and a number of other heads of Bahy chosen by Him from the deserved Troi men. Below them is a group of executors.  

   The King-Father has built a palace for worshiping Lords The Sacred who created Him. This place consists of 3 tall towers, the largest tower is in the middle, has arched door; inside, there is an altar worshiping an oval shape (Figure 2b). Before creating a planet or an Astral (Troi) man, the King-Father and Supreme Troi come here to kowtow Lords The Sacred for help.

Figure 1- Schema of the Operating System of the King-Father of the Universe


(a) (b)

Figure 2- Sketch of the King-Father’s  organ and palace for worshiping Lords  The  Sacred

*  Lord All-Powerful Supremacy – APS was created by Lord The Sacred at the same time with the King-Father of the Universe more than 196 billion years ago. He helped the King-Father to design the Universe. Lord All-powerful Supremacy does not directly participate in operating the Universe but performs the power of supreme supervision. So that can be also called an Inspectorate.

    Lord All Powerful Supremacy has 3 assistant deputies, called Deputy Inspectors. Under the deputies, there are 18 committees and executive apparatus. When supervising or controlling, He can overspread energy covering the entire operating management system of Lord Top Supremacy. 

   Lord All Powerful Supremacy’s Organ is a 6-faced cube with equal edge of 1.8 kilo meter, located in the North of the Universe, outside of the operating system of Lord Top Supremacy. On the top of his organ is a rectangular flag. Above inside the cube is a pinwheel rotating clockwise. When rotating counter clockwise, the door is open. The door is 3 meter high. At the bottom is a glowing reddish-brown gem, (Figure 3a). 

(a)  (b) 

Figure 3- Sketch of Lord APS’s organ and palace for worshiping Lords The Sacred 

The APS has built a transparent octagonal palace for worshiping Lords The Sacred who created Him (Figure 3b). Inside, there is an altar with curved surface, on top is an oval block with pink light being the symbol of Lords The Sacred’ Palace. On the wall there are the words “Thien Linh Tu” (Worshiping Lords The Sacred).  

* Lords The  Sacred are Troi men living in the Supernatural Power Space- SPS located outside of the Universe. They are about 1,6m tall, have no sexes. There are only 11 persons with transparent pink light. No one knows the time when they appeared.

    Lords The Sacred created the King-Father and APS 196 billion years ago; then created Lords the Top, the First and the Second Supremacy 156 billion years ago. All other Lords Superiors, Sieu Nhien, Supreme Power Troi were appointed by the Supreme Highnesses 64 billion years ago. So the Lords King-Father, APS, Top, First and Second Supremacy were created by Lords The Sacred  and appointed in various positions. Among them only the King- Father and APS are outside of the Universe. All other Lords are inside of the Universe. 

    The organ of the Lords Sacred is an oval-shaped Palace with the size of length x width x height = 15 x 8 x 6km. There is an arched door and one triangle flag with an oval symbol in the middle. The Palace always flashes pink light. (Figure 4) 

Figure 4- Sketch of Lord The Sacred’s Palace 

About the age of the Supreme Highnesses 

    As of this year, the King- Father and APS are over 196 billion Earth’s years old. The Lords Top, First and Second Supremacy are over 156 billion years old. All Lords Superiors, Sieu Nhien and Troi Supreme Power are over 64 billion years old. The Council FOGHY was established according to Troi’s Order  in 4568 BCE by BIROL Buddha, at that time it was called the Standing Three Jewels. By 311 BCE, it was renamed to the Highest Universal Council, its Troi name is FOGHY until today. 

    As we know, as of this year the Universe is about 14,4 billion years old, while the King- Father who designed it and appointed the operating apparatus is over 196 billion years old. So, we realize  

that preparation process for giving birth to the Universe took over 181,6 billion years. How important the preparation process is! That’s why the Universe and Man were so perfectly constituted and created that we cannot find any fault in them. Lords The Sacred and the King- Father are truly Great!

Worshiping the Supreme Highnesses 

Lords The Sacred, the King- Father and the Lord APS are being worshiped in two Temples in Vietnam, and at the same time these are the only worshiping places in the Universe. They are:

1) Troi-Buddha temple 1 (Phu Thuong ward, Tay Ho district, Hanoi city)-.

   Worshiped in the Palace Sacred (Pictures 5 & 6): 


 Picture 5- Panorama of Palace Sacred worshiping the Supreme Highnesses (inaugurated at 17th October, 2019) 


 Picture 6- The altar in the Palace Sacred worshiping Lords The Sacred (oval shape), the King- Father (sphere shape) and the Lord  APS (cube shape). 

2) Troi-Buddha Temple 3 (Soc Son district, Hanoi city)    

Worshiped on the roof top of the Temple (Picture 7):  

Picture 7- Panorama of  Troi Buddha Temple 3, worshiping Lords The Sacred, the King-Father and the Lord APS on the roof top of the Temple.   

We all should go to these places to kowtow to thank the Supreme Highnesses.  

Where are the Supreme Highnesses residing?

   There are two spaces where the Supreme Highnesses reside. These are: 

   Universe space: the space we are living in, including visible space (Tran Man are living) and invisible space (Troi man are living).

   Infinite Space: The space outside the Universe

    Figure 1 shows all Troi man and Rough man living in the two spaces.

Lords The Sacred, the King Father and Lord APS reside in the infinite space, outside of the Universe. All others, from the Lord Top Supremacy to the Lord Troi, Upper Buddhas, Emperors, and all Troi men and Tran men, are living in the Universe space. 

See also the information on the system of Operating and management of the Universe here).


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