Are they “aliens”? No. We have no intention to discuss about what we Earthlings call “alien” here. There is other kind of men that we sometimes contact with, but we somehow do not surely believe in their existence. Those are men we call gods, deities, saints, our ancestors and even ghosts. They are what we should call the Astral men who live and co-exist alongside with us, the Rough men, in this Universe. Both Astral men and Rough men are created by Troi, the Creator (read about Troi here). The Astral men, however, live in the invisible space, at higher level of the Universe and we, Rough men, live in the physical space. Though most of us cannot see the Astral men but they can see us clearly. They know about us clearly, and many of them are there to help us.
This post discusses about these 2 kinds of men and the forecast on the inevitable cooperation of these 2 kinds of men for the advancement of mankind society on Earth. This is an extract of the book “Universe and Man-The Theory of Relationship” of Upper Buddha Van Van Quang HUGO HAMA (often known in his Rough man’s name as Professor Dich).
1- Mankind for a long time has realized the existence of the Astral men world in the invisible space. That’s the reason why almost the whole world is visiting pagoda, church, temples or worshiping places where Astral men are being worshiped. In many countries, people even have worshiping altar at home. Most of people in the world follow certain religion and there are many elaborately built worshiping buildings for worshiping of Gods in such religions. Why is that? Because they have realized that the Astral men are a lot more advanced and capable than the Rough men. So they pray for the help of the Astral men. That is a smart action of mankind for thousands of generations. In this case, it would be a lack of knowledge if we consider this action as superstition. However, regardless of such reality mankind still do not believe in it, still doubt whether there is such invisible space of the Astral men world. This is a stubborn thinking of men contrary to their daily actions. They need to prove such existence by seeing with their own eyes to believe. The problem is the Astral man exists in the form of information and is invisible, so how can we see them? Can you see the television wave or the wireless telephone wave? Nevertheless, they exist and we still use them every day! Hence, such doubt has existed for thousands of years. Though doubt exists, yet mankind still believes, still hopes, still prays. Naturally, lacking of such belief the praying will have low effect because the Astral men are not foolish to help those who just half-heartedly believe in them? Shakyamuni LANTIG Buddha once taught when he was alive that “if mankind always requires evidence to have faith, their knowledge will be limited”. It’s certainly so! Because there are so many things objectively exist around us that cannot easily be proved?
Hence, mankind’s faith in the class of supermen has been in doubt for millions of years and never been cleared. The more advanced the world science is the more reluctantly and stubbornly mankind want to believe. The more knowledgeable people are the lesser they believe. However, it can be said that rarely anyone absolutely disbelieves!
2- The Nature of Astral man and Rough man: First of all, we should understand what is the nature of Astral man and Rough man?
Astral man: Through own experience for many years of research, along with the help of the Upper Buddhas, the author realizes that the Astral man, or can be called Troi man (Astral living in Troi space), is existing in the invisible space of the Universe in the form of Information wave with shape. It can be said that Troi man is the Information man. That is the reason why the Rough man, like us, cannot see them. In reality, only Rough men who have their third eye opened at least 86% can see the Astral men. The Astral men here are Troi men who are always beside us. They are the Upper Buddhas, Saints of many religions, the Bodhisattvas, the gods, deities and our ancestors etc. When we go praying we pray for the help of these men. That is our intelligence that should be nurtured.
So Troi men are the Information men existing in the invisible space. Our Astral is also a Troi man inside us.
Rough man: is ourselves. Through many years of research, the author clearly realizes that each Rough man has a body and an Astral, i.e, a Troi man, who is incarnated in a fetus since still being in mother’s womb. This Troi man grows up with the body so looks very much like the body shape. The Troi man inside our body creates a system of subtle fibers called the subtle nerve fiber system (as they are not visible so it’s called “Than”, meaning nerve system). This subtle nerve fiber system interlaces all over the soft parts which are muscles, skin and all the viscera of the body, along with the bone structure creates a body of Rough man perfectly durable, supple and, flexible. This is a miracle of nature. Once the Astral or the Troi man escapes from the body, the Rough man die. The body then will wither because it has lost the subtle nerve fiber system. Observing in many funerals, the author sees as a rule that Troi man of the body always stays besides the coffin for the first three days, before the corpse is buried. Ancient men might have seen this fact so that they offered foods to the deceased one. The Astral of the dead man has returned to the invisible space (Troi space), became a Troi man, so the offering for the deceased is actually the offering for this Troi man in Troi space, ie. in the invisible space. That’s a wise manner and corresponds to the practice/reality.
So a Rough man is a Body plus an Astral (or a Troi man). The Body is Duong (Yang) and the Astral is Am (Ying). Ying and Yang harmonize to create a living man.
We have: Astral Man = Information Wave Man
Rough Man = Body + Astral Man
So, it is clear that Troi man and the Rough man are co-existing in each one of us, not far off. There are also Troi men in the invisible space, not inside us, co-existing with Rough men. We will discuss about these men in the following posts.
Picture – Astral man in a Rough man’s body (illustrated by Pham Thanh Ha)
3- The need to know about Troi men: Rough men for a long time have known that there are Troi men who are a lot more capable than they are. They go praying for the assistance of such men and realized that praying is effective. Therefore, the need to know about Troi men increasingly becomes an urging need. It leads the Rough men to invest their effort to investigate for understanding this matter. However, only until the end of Twenty Two (XXII) century Rough men will be able to have clear information about the Astral men (Troi men) system who are co-existing with them. Since then, they will be more proactive in searching for ways to get in touch with Troi men. Unfortunately, the Rough men cannot see Troi men, so they have to cultivate their body and mind to activate their supernatural capabilities to see the Troi men. There are only a few people with strong faith and kind-hearted mind can do so. Gradually, there forms in society a group of experts who can work with Troi men. Then the Rough men will begin to develop a large scale of training courses to train these experts in the form of the “fore-goer” teaching the “followers”. This is nonetheless a big step forward of Rough men, because they have to overcome the system of conservative ideas in belief that has lasted for thousands of years.
4– Obstacles faced with: Why Rough men are not able to approach the invisible Information Troi men for millions of years? Because the Rough men on Earth always have greedy mind! They are greedy because they have to eat. Thus, they have to search for foods. That gives rise to greed to plunder foods from each other, robbery, invasion war, destruction of environment and corruption etc. All these matters are for material gains only. The morality of Rough men has become degraded and lost their loftiness which is the core condition to get in touch with Troi men. The more Rough men plunge into the war for possession of material gains, the more they bog down to the situation of “shooting their own feet”. After many decades of destroying the living environment, mankind has then startled to realize that the development of science and technology only leads to the degradation of morality and ruining of man’s life. Nuclear war, space war, water war, information technology war, economic war, religious war etc. all eventually result in the damages for the Rough men yet. From such situation, some thoughts have been provoked: life on Earth must be adjusted to be in harmony with the Universe. This kind-hearted mind can only appear by the end of the Twenty two (XXII) century, and only since then the two kinds of Rough men and Troi men can meet each other.
5– Advancement of Society: Once Rough men and Troi men meet, the advancement of Rough men society will greatly leap forward thanks to the active assistance received from Troi men. It’s the period from the end of Twenty Four (XXIV) century onward. Two centuries before that period (from the end of Twenty Two (XXII) to the end of Twenty Four (XXIV) century) is the period Rough men building up foundations to be able to frequently approach Troi men. They will carry out training of experts for working with Troi men (just like the training of experts for certain work we are doing today). Thanks to that, Rough men society will have big leap of advancement in the field of Information. At that time, Rough men can:
- Access the highly advanced information technology of the invisible space to improve the lagging-behind level of mankind. The experts can communicate with each other and with Troi men by telepathy “wave of thought”, regardless of languages.
- Man can use Information technology to travel at the speed of hundreds of kilo meter per hour, even millions of kilometer per hour.
- The experts can create certain material products from the invisible space to assist Rough men. For example: they can create bread or foods for hunger release very quickly, using inputs from the invisible space, without the need of any production line in the physical space.
- The team of experts will be trained faster and faster thanks to the assistance of Troi men. These experts will penetrate into the invisible space to learn the highly advance technology available therein.
- Use anti-gravity spaceship which can fly at multiple times higher than the speed of light. Use personal flying vehicles which can fly at hundreds of kilo meter per hour.
- Use information energy instead of dynamic energy
- Treat diseases using information energy without medicines
The Rough men then will live kind-heartedly, not with so many evils as of today.
Man society will then move towards the collaboration between the Rough man world (the Duong man world) and the Troi man(5.1) world (the Am man world). That’s for sure.
- By the end of Twenty Two (XXII) century, the Rough man will recognize the co-existence of a space of the Troi Man world (in the form of Khi man). They are a lot more advanced and capable than us. From then on, try to find out more about this matter.
- By the end of the Twenty Four (XXIV) century Rough man and Troi man will together solve many matters. The science of Rough man on Earth will have important leap towards development of information technology. There will appear groups of experts who can approach existences in the form of Information, and they will be the envoys of Rough men to Troi men.
World Great Community
It is a world of Rough men living in harmony together in a lofty love, no war, no looting, no jealousy or envy. Man’s society has been highly developed at that time. Mankind civilisation, based on the development of information technology, allows the production of so much material that everyone can work according to his ability whilst use according to his needs, and does not need money. To achieve this civilisation, Rough Men on Earth have to make long-term efforts, for the very far future. But we have a deep belief in that because as of the present time, there are three mankind civilisations in planet Zoh, Hoph and Thiaooba in the Universe have already been there. They also have programs to help our planet Earth. Thank you friends from far-away planets! Right here on Earth, there appear the first signs of this civilisation in some developed countries in the West. There, the medical services, general education, public transport in the city, etc. are taken care of by society; people do not have to pay.
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