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The most sacred worship places on Earth have been built

Inauguration Ceremony of Troi Buddha Temple 3

On August 10, 2019 (or 10th day of 7th lunar month, year Ky Hoi), Troi Buddha Temple 3 was inaugurated for public in Phu Huu village, Minh Phu commune, Soc Son district, Hanoi city. This is the 3rd worship place built by Prof. Dich- Upper Buddha Van Van Quang HUGO HAMA and his disciples. These places are Troi Buddha Temple 1, Gratitude Valley and the newly built Troi Buddha Temple 3. These are the most sacred worship places built on Earth in the whole history of mankind. Read more here). For the first time ever, mankind on Earth as the great fortune to worship the higher superiors of Troi – the Creator. We will call these superiors the Supreme Highnesses.

On the precinct of Troi Buddha Temple 3, there are the Temple and Sieu Nhien Pyramid.  

Picture 1- Panorama view of Troi Buddha Temple 3

The Temple 

Worship in the temple is as follows (Picture 2):

 Lord Sieu Nhien,  the immediate superior of Troi Supreme Power (shortly referred to as Troi), is worshiped in the form of a picture statue being a Sieu Nhien triangle painted on the wall; and Lord Sieu Nhien has accepted this picture statue.

– Troi Supreme Power, worshiped in the form of a globe with five colours of green, red, white, yellow and black symbolizing the Five Units (Ngu Hanh) Mok Xoa Kim Txo Txuy. These are also correlative to five Bahys of Troi: Bahy Mok, Bahy Xoa, Bahy Kim, Bahy Txo and Bahy Txuy (Picture 2).

– 7 Upper Buddhas  who were Earth citizens when they were alive. They are: Upper Buddha BIROL (Srilankan), Upper Buddha OLMO (Burmese), Upper Buddha Shakyamuni LANTIG (Nepalese), Upper Buddha Van Van Quang HUGO HAMA (Vietnamese), Upper Buddha Avalokitesvara AOPNABA (Indian), Upper Buddha BIGA (Burmese) and Upper Buddha Dai Duc Pho (Vietnamese, King Tran Nhan Tong when alive)

 4 Emperors of 4 generations leading the Emperor Council KYFU. They are: Emperor DOMI, Emperor SUHAF, Emperor THIPOT and Emperor DO OTDA.

– 3 pictures of the holy cities representing 3 monotheistic religions: the Holy See VATICAN (Christianity) + Old Bastion Jerusalem (Judaism) and the Holy Land of Mecca (Islam). It means that everyone in every religion can go praying in this temple (Picture 3).

Picture 2 is the panorama view of all statues worshiped on the main altar in this temple.

Picture 2 – Main altar and Troi globe

Picture 3 – Altar worshiping of 3 monotheistic religions (from left to right): Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

Sieu Nhien Pyramid 

Sieu Nhien Pyramid (Picture 4) is for worshiping of the Supreme Highnesses including Lord Top Supremacy (in Vietnamese, Dang Thuong Dinh), Lord First Supremacy (in Vietnamese, Dang Toi Thuong), Lord Second Supremacy (in Vietnamese, Dang Toi Cao), Lord Superior (in Vietnamese, Dang Thuong Cap), Lord Sieu Nhien, Troi Supreme Power and the Highest Universal Council FOGHY, in accordance with the diagram in Picture 5 (read more to understand about the system of operating and management of the Universe here)

Picture 4 –  Sieu Nhien Pyramid

Picture 5- Stela Schema of the System of the Supreme Highnesses leading the Universe, built beside the Sieu Nhien Pyramid  

At Sieu Nhien Pyramid, people can pray for the support of the Supreme Highnesses for many things such as: praying for wealth, happiness or children, praying for overcoming difficulties, for curing serious diseases, for higher productivity and less pests and diseases for crops and poultry, praying for less natural disaster, sanctifying of talismans etc.

Troi Buddha Temple 3 is worshiping all the Supreme Highnesses who are leading the whole Universe. This is the first temple in the entire Universe (not only on planet Earth) worshiping all the Supreme Highnesses in the Universe. For thousands of years, people have worshiped only the Buddhas in pagodas. So this temple is a very sacred place. The spiritual energy measured here is 9.6 billion qc (qc is the unit used to measure spiritual energy), while the energy of a normal pagoda worshiping only Buddhas is about 150 million qc, making it the most sacred worship place on Earth. Only a living Highest Revered Buddha can build such worship place and no one else can do. The reason is only a living Highest Revered Buddha can invite or ask for help to invite the Supreme Highnesses to accept their statues and picture worshiped therein. Once those statues and pictures are accepted by the worshipees, the place becomes sacred. In Troi Buddha Temple 3, the spiritual energy is about 64 times of a normal Buddhist pagoda, the highest on Earth.

The temple built for worshiping the Supreme Highnesses and Troi, Buddhas and Emperors will bring great blessings to all humans on Earth, to the Vietnamese people and to the people in the area having the temple. If we one-mindedly worship, take due care of the altar every day, then the country will be peaceful and prosperous, wars will be driven away, the people will be happy, the economy will grow and there are less diseases. It’s a great place for everyone to come to pray.

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