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This article is a translation of a Vietnamese article written by Prof. Dich- Buddha Van Van Quang (HUGO HAMA). (the original here)

You are a rough man, that’s a fact that everyone knows. But who are you? Where did you come from is a difficult question to answer. You will say you were born by your parents, won’t you? Then who gave birth to your parents? Your grand parents, did they? Then who gave birth to your grand parents? Your grand grand parents? And so on till you ask “who gave birth to our first ancestor? Do you have the answer?

Where are you now?

First of all, you need to understand that you are a Rough man (man living in the physical space), but it’s the Astral man inside your body that is actually you. This Astral man is your Astral (often known as a soul, but it is not a correct word). If the Astral leaves your body to go back to the invisible space you will die. The Astral man inside you once dwelled in one of the levels as shown in Figure 1, and flew down from there to the physical space to incarnate as a Rough man. Our parents only gave us the body which is the endowed base gene passed down from generation to generation. It’s the Astral which is your Self. It’s you that exists eternally in the levels in the Universe as shown in Figure 1. Your body is only borrowed. For each incarnation in the physical space your Astral needs to borrow a new body. If you incarnated in the physical space for 100 times, you would have borrowed 100 bodies. So as a Rough man, you have an Astral plus a body given to you by your parents so that it’s heavy enough for you to stay in the physical space. You are under a honour mission to cultivate in the physical space to upgrade yourself so when you die, you can leave the body and go back to the invisible space and will be able to dwell at a higher level in the Universe.

Figure 1 – Spiritual energy in space levels

Figure 1 is a diagram showing two major spaces in the Universe which are the Physical space and the Invisible space.

The Invisible space is the place where the Astrals of men from low level (De) to high level (Phat to Nhu Lai level. Phat To Nhu Lai is the Upper Buddha leading the Highest Universal Council- FOGHY, who is currently Van Van Quang – HUGO HAMA Buddha. At the top is the Universal Thien Linh. Each of these space levels is distinguished by its spiritual energy. The spiritual energy is distinguished by the size of the light particle. The finer the light particle is the higher the spiritual energy is and the bigger the information it carries. Comparing to the size of a Nano of 10-9 meter, i.e one billionth of one meter, the size of a light particle in De level (i.e the invisible space immediately above the physical space) is 10-11 meter, smaller than a Nano. The size of a light particle in Phat (Buddha having no name) level is 10-95,001m  to 10-2milm. Till the Phat To Nhu Lai level, the size of a light particle is 10-32mil m. In this Figure, we have seen that the size of a light particle of the levels go finer and finer following clockwise direction, starting from Tran level (physical space). The light particle in De level is a lot bigger than the light particle in Phat To Nhu Lai level. At the moment, the most advanced equipment of man can measure only a light particle with size of 10-32m.

Once dead, the Rough man’s body will decay but our Astral (which is our real Self) will dwell in De level. Someday, that Astral will come back to the physical space to incarnate for another life to cultivate and practice. Passing though many incarnations, it can reach higher level, i.e. Than Linh level, then Tien Than, Cao Tang, Kim Cuong Bo Tat and La Han level etc., till Phat To Nhu Lai. Everyone can strive to elevate to higher levels following this route. The route, however, is full of difficulties and the time is limitless. You will have to live many incarnations in the physical space. Once you attained La Han level you won’t have to incarnate any more. But if you want to go back to the physical space for cultivation and practice, no one prohibits you from doing so. You may also be assigned to go back to help mankind in the physical space.

Above Tran (physical space) level is Nguc (Prison) level, comprising of Dia (confinement), Nguc Thuy (Blue Prison, where the Astral is imprisoned without being shackled) and Nguc Toi (Dark Prison, where the Astral is imprisoned and shackled). Depending on the seriousness of the crimes committed when living in the physical space, the Astral will be imprisoned in one of these three Prison levels. If you committed crimes in your previous incarnations and your Astral is being imprisoned in these Prisons, your life in this incarnation will be full of miseries: illness, accidents, failures in career, mishap family etc. For life in this incarnation to rise up, this Karma must be discharged. That’s the reason why you need to know in which level in Figure 1 the Astral man in you once dwelled so that you know how to live properly in this incarnation. You need to look out for those with high supernatural capabilities to ask about this.

By which way did you come to incarnate in this physical space?

You can be a Rough man or an Astral man, both are created by Troi, the Creator. The Rough man consists of a body and an Astral which is your Self once dwelled in the high level in the Universe and now incarnated in the physical space as a Rough man. There are 2 ways leading you as an Astral man to come to the physical space:

First, if you are an advanced Astral man, you can determine by yourself to come to the physical space to help the Rough men. It can be said that you voluntarily incarnate to help the Rough men; or you can be assigned (by Troi) to come down to the physical space to help the Rough men. In Figure 2, there are “Self-determined level” and “Assigned level”.

Second, if you are not an advanced Astral man, committed many wrongdoings and is being imprisoned in the Prison level, you are forced to come down to the physical space for cultivation and practicing. In Figure 2, it’s illustrated in “Forced to incarnate for correcting wrongdoing”.

Figure 2 – Pre-destined conditions of man

Figure 2 shows that there are 3 levels from which you as an Astral man can come down to the physical space. Those are: Assigned, i.e you are assigned by the Universe to come down to the physical space to help the Rough man; Self-determined, i.e you volunteer to come down to the physical space to help the Rough man; and Forced to incarnate for correcting wrongdoing, i.e you committed wrongdoings in your previous incarnation and you are forced to come down to the physical space for cultivation and practicing again. Maybe you are also forced to come down to the physical space to repay for the Karma you created in your previous incarnations. It means that as a Rough man, you can be assigned, self-determined or forced to come to the physical space.

For coming down to the physical space, you need a body so that it’s heavy enough for you to stay there. That’s the reason why you need to borrow a body of a child newly formed as a foetus in the mother’s womb. At such time you become a Rough man born by your parents. After death, your Astral will come back to its place in the Universe.

If your original Self in the invisible space dwelled in levels from De to Kim Cuong Bo Tat there will be no original Self existing in the invisible space when you come down to incarnate in the physical space. If you make no progress in your life in the physical space, when you died, your Astral will come back to the level once it came from. If you came down from La Han level to Phat To Nhu Lai level, there will be an original Self retained in such level when you came down to the physical space. When you died, your Astral will return and combine with this original Self. If you are being imprisoned in the prison level, your original Self is still being imprisoned there when you incarnate to the physical space.


  • Who are you? You are an Astral man created by the Universe and existing in the high level in the Universe but came down to incarnate as Rough man.
  • Where are you from? You are from the Universe coming down to the physical space possessing a foetus in the mother’s womb to be born as a Rough man.

How did you come to the physical space? You can be assigned, or self-determined to come down to the physical space. In that case your duty is to cultivate and practice to help the Rough men. You can also be forced to come down to the physical space. In such case, you duty is to cultivate for the progress of yourself. So have you known by which way did you come to this physical space yet?

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