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The Law of Motion of the Universe

The Galaxy moves vortically with S shaped locus (Picture source:

Troi (OAGHY), the Creator, promulgates 9 fundamental Laws to manage the operation of this Universe. These Laws are the absolute laws of the Universe. Everything in this Universe including men is subject to the operation of these Laws. (read more about these laws here)

The Law of Motion of the Universe stipulates: the Universe moves vortically in clockwise direction with S-shaped locus. Universe and Man, including Astral man and Rough man, are created in accordance with this Law. This is the basis for the existence and development of the Universe.

What is clockwise eddy?

From ancient time, man had realised that the Universe always moves in clockwise eddy field exerting effect on the Earth. For examples:

+ The Galaxy always rotates rightwards, in counterclockwise direction. But if observed from Earth, the Galaxy appears to eddy leftwards, in clockwise direction.

+ Figure 1.12 is illustration of the Great Bear constellation in which the Pole star stands still and other 9 stars in this asterism rotating around it. If we stand from Earth to observe this asterism, we will see it rotating in clockwise direction.

Figure 1.12– Operation of the Great Bear constellation

+ Other commonly-seen natural pictures have eddy field such as: the rising water current and storm in the Northern hemisphere all eddy in counterclockwise direction (whilst in the Southern hemisphere they will eddy in clockwise direction); many kinds of shells or snails have their exoskeleton coiled in counterclockwise direction so that when a Khi current exerts on them it will eddy in clockwise direction; bindweed grows and crawls in counterclockwise direction; grape plant grows counterclockwise to reach up; cedrus and fir tree grow up in eddy direction; the spider makes its net in counterclockwise direction (so that its prey is sucked in in clockwise direction); buffalo and goat horns also grow up vortically and curve symmetrically, etc.   

+ The rule of growing of plants: observing the young leaves on plants, we see that the leaves grow one by one in counterclockwise direction. The petals of flower grow in the same way. By that way, Khi current will exert on them in clockwise direction so that both the upper and under surfaces of the flower can receive Khi to make it fresh and last long.

+ Man’s Chakras always eddy in clockwise direction. Bach Hoi (Crown) Chakra at the same time rotates in S-shaped locus.

+ In social science, there is view that the development of mankind society goes in spiral direction, though repeated but the next cycle is more advanced and more completed.

What is S-shaped locus?

Ancient men also discovered that the Universe does not only move in eddy motion in clockwise direction, it also has S-shaped locus. For examples:

+ The Earth rotates around the Sun in clockwise direction creating an elliptic orbit called Ecliptic. The Ecliptic plane inclines to the Earth’s equatorial plane by an angle of 23027’. In this plane, there are two points which are farthest from the Sun called Ha Chi (Summer Solstice) (longest daylight and shortest night) and Dong Chi (Winter Solstice) (shortest daylight and longest night). There are two points closest to the Sun corresponding to Xuan Phan (Vernal Equinox) and Thu Phan (Autumnal Equinox), with the length of daylight and night are equal. However, Earth does not only rotate around the Sun but it also spins around its axis. As the Earth spins on axial tilt so if observing from the Sun, we see the Earth moving up and down, thus it creates an S-shaped locus on its equatorial plane (Figure 1.13). Accordingly, four seasons Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are created. This is a miraculous law of change of the Nature.

+ A mountain range expands up and down creating a Z-shape (i.e. S letter flipped); or a river flows in S-shaped curve.

Figure 1.13– Operating locus of the Earth around the Sun  

+ Buddhism badge has 2 flipped S letters (letter Z) intersected, creating a pinwheel rotating in clockwise direction (Figure 1.14). LANTIG (Shakyamuni) Buddha when sat meditating under the Bodhi tree had seen the Universe eddying in clockwise direction and in S-shaped locus. His Buddhism badge is an illustration of the pinwheel (with 2 Z letters, or flipped S letter) rotating in clockwise direction.

Figure 1.14– Buddhism Badge

+  Next, we can also mention the coiled shape of DNA: DNA was discovered from the 50s of the previous century, also called cell with double coiled S-shape. It is a miniature of the eddy field of the Universe (Figure 1.15). DNA discovery was made by James Watson (an American) and Francis Crick (an English) and published in 1953 when they were just 25 and 37 relatively. Both won the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

+ We also see the S shape in the human’s body shape. Human body has the shape of two flipped Ss (Figure 1.15). In female body, this shape looks nicer than in male body. This is a luck endowed to the women by the Nature.

From the analysis mentioned above, we have learnt that the rule of movement of the natural Universe is in S-shaped eddy locus, clockwise or counterclockwise. If this locus connected continuously will create the shape of numeral 8. When applying this rule to the adjustment of Khi current into house, we should make this current move in and out of the house in S, Z or 8 shapes. For example, we should place windows and doors in a house to make Khi current move in and out in zigzag route of S or Z shape but not in a straight line. This may easily cause cold to the residents.

Figure 1.15- S-shaped DNA and human body


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