(The information in this series of articles is taught by Prof Dich-Van Van Quang Buddha in his book Man and Universe – The Theory of Relationship. You can find more from here: www.gsdich.vn)
We deal with diseases and illness almost every day throughout our lives. It would be so lucky if one does not have any kind of illness in his life. Most of researches and experiments in modern medicine conclude that diseases are caused by external factors which come from external environment, our habits and sometimes, from internal causes. We tend to believe that eating habit, bad foods, lack of exercise and physical activities, pollutions etc. are the main causes of our diseases. No doubt, that is true. But it is just a small fraction of the truth.
1.What is disease?
Men are initially born without disease. Disease appears only when we are affected by external factors.
Disease is a type of increased load that affects man, beyond the body’s ability to regulate itself.
Human body has billions of billions (i.e. 1018) cells, but it works and develops in a smooth, balanced way, keeping us healthy. Whenever an unusual event affects the body that breaks this balance, the body adjusts itself to balance again. This is a characteristic so-called self-healing ability of man. This is the miracle ability of man. You cut your finger? Leave it for a few days, the body will heal itself. Traditional medicine treats healthy people as people who are always balanced. Wherever absent of balance there is disease.
There are many external factors affecting the body, resulting in imbalances that exceed the ability of self-regulating of the body. Then there will be disease. Those factors can be: polluted water, air, noise, got cold, being beaten, food poisoning, broken bones, bacteria or virus infections, etc. It is a disease manifested on the body, called visible disease. We call it visible disease because we can see it directly with naked eyes or medical testing equipment can detect the cause for those diseases. These diseases can be cured by medicines. Only about 16% of the World population has this kind of disease. It means that majority of us catch some diseases which we do not see the causes, even with all of the most modern medical equipments and technology we have today. So what is that?
There are diseases that we do not see or cannot find the cause easily. These are diseases that associated with the Astral of a man (i.e. our so-called “soul” if the world is more familiar to you). It is called invisible disease because we are unable to see, measure, photograph, scan or show its causes. These diseases can be wraith-penetrating, wraith-possessing or wraith-following disease, Chakra-related disease, Karma-related disease etc. These diseases also break the balance of the body. The body cannot repair itself and must have outside help, we call such help the Healing Aid. These diseases, however, cannot be cured by medicines.
2. Types of disease
Rough Men have 4 types of diseases with statistics and forecast of the incidence of infected people in Table 4.2. These are:
– Disease due to Karma;
– Disease due to Karmic force;
– Disease due to wraith;
– Visible Disease.
The first three types are called invisible diseases. The last type is called visible disease. Each of the invisible and visible diseases has its own method of treatment. Only correct methods can cure the disease. Of those, the following principle of treatment should be kept:
Disease due to Karma
This is disease that one caught due to retribution of Karma relating to wrongdoings committed in previous incarnations. These wrongdoings are serious crimes, for example:
- murder,
- murder with robbery,
- destruction of natural environment,
- genocide of animals,
- deliberate sabotage or destruction of pagoda, temple, churches or other worshiping places,
- stealing for whole life
- brutal killing of animals
- stealing or sabotage of Buddha/Saint/Deity statutes worshiped in pagoda, temple
- slander of Troi and Buddha/God
- corruption, embezzlement
- cheating in profession like producing fake goods
- beating, assaulting, oppressing or exploitation of others
- etc.
Diseases caused by Karma of these crimes are often serious diseases that incurable by modern medicines like cancers, diabetes, autism, heart disease etc.
Disease due to Karmic force : are diseases that caused by faults or evil treatments to other people in previous incarnations (such as beating, dashing dirty water on other people, inciting others to fight, insulting others etc.). These diseases are often caused by karmic-force tumor, infection by virus, bacteria from invisible space, lithiasis, etc. Karmic force tumors are caused by Black Karmic Block which resulted from the accumulations of Black Karmic Clots generated from our bad deeds (read more about Karma here). Karmic force Tumor appeared in any part of the body will cause diseases there, normally in the form of pain or malfunction of that part. For example Black Karmic Tumor in spleen will cause diabetes, in stomach will cause stomach ache or stomach ulcers etc.
Disease due to wraiths is the disease due to wraiths that penetrated into body, possesses or follow people. The wraiths penetrated in any parts of the body will cause diseases there. Wraiths possessing or following people will cause the diseases too. For example wraith penetrated in our brain will cause headache, in our spleen can also cause diabetes or pain, in our heart will cause heart failure (e.g. irregular heart rate) etc. These diseases cannot be treated by medicines. The way of treatment of these diseases is to expel the wraiths from the body.
Table 4.2- Category of diseases and method of treatment
(to be continued)
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