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Planet FOGHA – Planet of Supermen

Figure 3- Diagram of 3 spaces mankind are living in (redrawn based on original drawing of Prof. Dich- Upper Buddha Van Van Quang

1. Planet FOGHA
Planet FOGHA is the 6th planet in the Immense Space which has been recently seen to have men living on it. This is the planet located in the Supernatural Yang Bright Space (SyBS). This planet belongs to a Solar System there, with one Sun and 9 orbiting planets. This planet is located outside of the Universal Space we are living in, about 166 million light years from the Earth. (the Universal Space diameter is 126 million light years). The diameter of this planet is about 4,650km (Earth is about 12,766km). The air temperature is around 25-27 degree Celsius. Gravity acceleration is 8.8 m/s2 (Earth is 9.8 m/ s2). There are rivers, lakes and forests. In SyBS space, there are 3 other planetary systems, but only 1 planet FOGHA is inhabited by men.

2. Men living on planet FOGHA
On planet FOGHA, there are two kinds of Upper men living: the Upper Men Sacred (UMS) (Nguoi Thuong Thien Cung) who live in the outer space of planet FOGHA and the Great Men Sacred (GMS) (Nguoi Dai Nhan Thieng) who live on planet FOGHA. These two kinds of Upper Men together called the Men Sacred (Nguoi Thieng Lieng). These are the Yin Yang Rough men who are very sacred (Rough men who can transform into Astral (Yin) man and vice versa), created by Lord of Great Antiquity Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo 460 billion years ago. The population of this planet currently is over 2 million UMS men and 8.3 million GMS men, both have very high civilization. They are Rough men of about 1.6m tall, 65kg weight, self-reproductive, and are very beautiful. Their Spiritual energy are 6,600 and 4,600 million of billion qc respectively. Physical energy (Bovis scale) is infinite. (Earthling men do not have spiritual energy, only physical energy of about 14,000 Bovis). The average life expectancy is 1,800 and 1,600 years respectively. They use 220V electricity, computer and information network of 330G (330th Generation); don’t use money; travel by self-appearing/disapprearing at the speed of about 3,000 kilometre per second, by space craft at the speed of 600 million of light year per hour (they travelled to Earth in 13 minute). Both UMS and GMS live in the SyBS but the UMS live out of planet FOGHA whilst the GMS live on planet FOGHA.

UMS men have only one leader, named DAMACA. For the GMS men, there is one Leader named BACA and a leadership council called the Council of The Great Men Sacred (similar to the Presidential office on Earth), elected by the people, comprising of 8 members, with 1 Leader, called the Great Lord Sacred. The office term of the Council is 565 years. There is no division into countries. There is no war. They live very kind-heartedly. They have come to Earth many times with a kind mind to help the Earth’s civilization, and are now coming to work every day at Troi Buddha Temple 1 in Hanoi. However, they do not appear in the form of Rough men for the Earthlings to see. Men’s civilisation on the 5 man-bearing planets in the Universe cannot be compared with civilisation on this planet. (See also here)
The working office of the Council of The Great Men Sacred is a complex of hexagon building can be seen with physical eyes (Figure 1). The 16-storey building is the place where the Council of The Great Men Sacred work, with the sign “Dai Nhan Thieng Thap” (The Great Men Sacred Tower). On the roof, there is a red spherical lamp that can be seen with the physical eyes. In front of the entrance, there is a stone stele written with the words “Thien Dia Nhan ” (Heaven Earth Man). The 6 lower 6-storey buildings around are the working places of the sub-committees.

Figure 1– Sketch of the Council of The Great Men Sacred’s working office

The Council of The Great Men Sacred has built a place to worship Lord of Great Antiquity who is their creator. It is a one-pillared hexagonal house standing on a circular lake, can be seen with physical eyes. On the floor, there is a curved altar worshiping a six-sided pink rhombus, a symbol of Lord of Great Antiquity (Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo). On the wall there is a board with the words “Lord of Great Antiquity ” (Figure 2).

Figure 2– Sketch of the Council of The Great Men Sacred’s worshiping place for Lord of Great Antiquity

3. Three living spaces
In the infinite immense space, there are 3 spaces where the Rough men and Astral men are living in. These are Supernatural Yang Bright Space, Supernatural Yin Bright Space and the Universal Space. The first 2 spaces are outside the Universal Space we are living in (Figure 3 at the top). By 12/2019, it has been seen that there are men living in these 3 spaces as follows:
The Supernatural Yang Bright Space (SyaBS) is the space where the above mentioned Upper Men Sacred and Great Men Sacred are living in.
The Supernatural Yin Bright Space (SyiBS) is the space where the Astral (soul) of the Men Sacred live after they died (we will call them Yin Men Sacred or Supernatural Men). The leaders of men in this SyiBS are the Council of Supernatural Yin Bright Space, comprising of 8 members with one leader who is currently Lord Sieu Nhien Van Van Quang.
The Universal Space is the space where the Astral men and Rough men (like us) are living in. The leaders of mankind here are the Astral (Troi) men, including: Lord Sieu Nhien Highest Revered Buddha Van Van Quang, Troi Supreme Power Highest Revered Buddha OLMO, and the Highest Universal Council FOGHY (including the Upper Buddhas and the Emperors). All the planets in the universe are in this space.

So now we know that the UMS and GMS who are binary men living in the Supernatural Yang Bright Space with the highest civilization. The Supernatual Yin Bright Space men are Astral men living in the Supernatural Yin Bright Space have the second highest civilisation. The Astral men of lower level from the Upper Buddha and below and the Rough men live in the Universal Space (3rd civilization).

Why can we know about this planet and the other spaces?

The management of the Universe has recently undergone enormous changes in its operating and management apparatus and along with these changes, there is great deal of new knowledge about the Universe opened to men kinds of both the Invisible and Physical spaces. It goes beyond our imagination. The Universe is simply so complicated and huge that even doesn’t exist in mankind’s imagination.

Rough men living on Earth has a great fortune to know about these things because we have one of the most treasured men still living with us in this Physical space to enlighten us. On December 3, 2019, Professor Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang Hugo Hama was honoured with the title of the Great Men Sacred’s Family in the Supernatural Yang Bright Space (SyaBS). So, He is the Earthling who bears the name of men on planet FOGHA. That’s why He knows about this planet and the above mentioned spaces to introduce to the us. This article is the newest teaching of Prof. Dich – Upper Buddha Van Van Quang Hugo Hama. This is a scientific reality, not a myth or a fiction.  


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