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9 Laws of the Universe


Troi’s Laws were determined by Troi (OAGHY) which every planet, man and creature in the Universe has to comply. Troi has 9 fundamental Laws as follows:

Troi (OAGHY), the Creator, promulgates 9 fundamental Laws to manage the operation of this Universe. These Laws are the absolute laws of the Universe. Everything in this Universe including men is subject to the operation of these Laws.

These Laws are:

  1. Law of Troi Supreme Power
  2. Law of Am (Ying) and Duong (Yang)
  3. Law of Motion
  4. Law of Number 9 Rule
  5. Law of the Head of Herd
  6. Law of Spirit (read here)
  7. Law of Life- and- Death (read here)
  8. Law of Natural Selection
  9. Law of Cause and Effect (read more about this Law here)

Some Laws have been discussed in separate posts as linked above. This article discusses the rest of these Laws. This is the knowledge taught to us by Van Van Quang Buddha in his book “Universe and Man – The Theory of Relationship” (more about the book here)

1. Law of Troi Supreme Power

This Law stipulates: Troi is the Supreme Power in the Universe. Troi created the Universe (including planets and systems of planets), Man (including Astral man and Rough man) and all other living beings. Troi controls every activity of the Universe. All things in the Universe have to follow the Laws of Troi. (read more about Troi here and here)

2. Law of Am (Ying) and Duong (Yang)

The Law of Am and Duong provides that: Am Duong is the unity of two opposite sides, always goes abreast and co-exists as the basis for the balance and development of the Universe. 

Am Duong (Ying Yang), the basis for balance of the Universe

Am Duong is a pair of concepts describing the unity of two opposite sides. It does not indicate anything specific. Am Duong can be: Earth and Sun, short- long, low- high, small- big, thin- thick, cold- hot, front- back, below- above, right-left, Moon- Sun, dark- bright, slow- fast, deep-shallow, lucky-unlucky, night- day, good-bad etc.

Am Duong are two opposite sides, two contrasting factors but they are always rely and transform each other, extreme Am- starts Duong, extreme Duong- starts Am, as a basis for their co-existence and development. Without thickness how we can know thinness? Without depth how we can see shallowness? Without heat how we can know coldness? Etc. If Am Duong is in harmony, the illustration will be formed. Male and female in harmony, things are born. These two opposite sides are united. Am Duong is the basis for the balance and development of the Universe. This is the Law of Troi.

In normal life, we can see the existence of Am Duong in everything, everywhere and in every phenomenon. Am Duong is in balance to form rule. The viscera system of a man is in Am Duong balance, there are less diseases. Prosperous or deficient Am is bad and prosperous or deficient Duong is bad as well. Am Duong are kept in balance in a house, people living there will have good health. The person with hot temper (Duong is prosperous) or with weak character (Am is prosperous) may easily do bad.

In everyday life, we often see the pairs of Am Duong going abreast. Some examples are as follows:

Universe: there is physical space (Tran space) which is Duong and invisible space (Troi space) which is Am. Visible-invisible and material-spiritual are pairs of Duong- Am (Figure 1.4).

Planets: all planets have material planet and wave. These are the two sides of Duong & Am. For example, the Sun has heat (Duong) and magnetic wave (Am), the Earth has its globe (Duong) and its magnetic wave (Am). Day and night on Earth are also Duong Am. Every planet has a physical globe (Duong) and the Psyche-sphere (Am) (read here).

–  A Rough man has body which is Duong and an Astral or an Astral man inside which is Am (Figure 1.11).

– Man: body (Duong) + aura (Am). This will be discussed in details in Figure 4.9 in Item

–  Animal: living in Physical space (Duong) and in Troi space (Am). They are not the soul of animals in Physical space.

–  Plant: trunks and branches are Duong + aura (Am)

–  Internet: system of servers (Duong) + soft wares (Am)

Computer, TV, mobile phones all have hard drive (Duong) and controlling software (Am)

–  Rada: hard ware (Duong) and controlling wave (Am)

– Missile: the missile body (Duong) and the guidance software (Am)

Earth, water, wood, fire: all have physical element which are earth, water, wood, fire (Duong) and the invisible men, animals and plants (Am).

Am Duong (Ying Yang), the basis for balance of the Universe

3. Law of Motion

This Law stipulates: the Universe moves vortically in clockwise direction with S-shaped locus. Universe and Man, including Astral man and Rough man, are created in accordance with this Law. This is the basis for the existence and development of the Universe.

The Law of Motion will be discussed in a separate article.

4. Law of Number 9 Rule

This Law stipulates: All things in the Universe are formed/constructed, operated and developed in accordance with the Number 9 Rule.

This Rule turns around the number 9, the highest number of the single digit sequence. In concrete, this Rule is shown as follows:

  • Troi consists of 9 satellite globes which compose and rotate around one center globe (read more about Troi here).
  • Troi consists of 9 components which are: Five Units Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo, heat, energy, light and electron. These 9 elements are sufficient to create all things and living beings in the Universe.
  • There are 9 Composed Forces of Troi to create the Universe and Man. They are:

+ Atomic Composed Force: created the Universe.

+ Living Composed Force: created all living beings.

+ Spiritual Composed Force: created Astral man.

+ Physical Composed Force: created Rough man.

+ Txe Composed Force: is a part of Troi placed in each Astral man and the Astral of each Rough man to monitor all their activities.

+ Sound Composed Force: created sound.

+ Heat Composed Force: created hot and cold state.

+ Energy Composed Force: created visible and invisible energy, i.e. physical and subtle energy.

+ Divine Optic Composed Force: created light and darkness.

  • There are 9 Txe levels of Troi, each of us has a Txe level 9 in our Astral as a part of Troi.
  • Troi has 5 Bahys which are Bahy Kim, Bahy Mok, Bahy Txuy, Bahy Xoa, Bahy Txo. The thickness of the information space of each Bahy is 9 kilometer.
  • The Universe is composed of 9 components which are: system of planets, planets, energy, heat, light, Astral men, Rough men, animals and plants.
  • All systems of planets (there are 747 systems of planets in the Universe at the present time) have one center planet and 9 satellite planets rotating surrounding it in different orbits.
  • Every planet in the Universe has a core at the center and 9 layers surrounding it, with the thickness of each layer equal one ninth of the planet’s diameter.
  • Each planet has a Psyche-sphere layer covering it with the thickness counting from the surface of the planet upward equal one ninth of its diameter. Every activity on the planet is recorded in this layer.
  • There are 9 levels of mankind civilisation for planets in the Universe. There are not yet mankind occupying civilisation level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Level 5 is the civilisation of planet Zoh, level 6 is of planet Hoph, level 7 is of planet Thiaoba, level 8 is of planet Tzod (Earth) and level 9 is of planet Dhot.  
  • Sacred Khi pillar is of 9 meter height: on the planets in the Universe, there are many Sacred Khi pillars with 5 colours: Green, Red, White, Yellow and Black. Those are parts of Troi Kim Mok Txuy Xoa Txo that are placed in some places on those planets for monitoring all operations of the planets and men on them. Every Sacred Khi pillar has the same height of 9 meter, only different in the strength of Khi arisen. 
  • There are 9 degrees/levels of subtleness of light in the Subtle spaces, as shown in Figure 1.4. They are: De, Than Linh (Deity), Tien Than (Divinity), Cao Tang Bo Tat (High-Virtue Bonze Bodhisattva), Kim Cuong Bo Tat (Colossus Bodhisattva), La Han (Arhat), Phat (Buddha having no Buddha name), Thuong Phat (High Buddha), Duc Phat (Upper Buddha). Nguc (Prison/Hell) level where there is only darkness is not counted in here.
  • There are 9 layers of aura of Rough man. These are 9 layers of aura (or 9 levels of aura or 9 levels of Via (Supersensuous) state) to assess the kindheartedness in the mind of each Rough man. The more kindhearted a person is the higher his level of aura is, the lighter his Via state is.
  • There are 9 chakras in the chakras system of man. They are: Truong Cuong (Long and Rigid); Dan Dien (Elixir Field or Dantian), Ty (Spleen), Tam (Heart), Thien Dot (Heaven Projection), An Duong (Hall of Impression), Bach Hoi (One Hundred Meetings), Tam Bao (Heart Cover) and Dan Trung (Middle of the Chest).
  • Rough Man has 9 characteristics of thinking. These are: Logical, Astrological, Spiritual, Mental, Physical/Material, Mindful, Thinking, Feeling, and Physiological. These are the capabilities of man to contact with the existing reality surrounding them. (whilst the Astral Man has only 4 characteristics: Logical, Astrological, Spiritual and Thinking)
  • Troi has 9 Laws as discussed in this Article.

5.  Law of the Head of Herd

The Head of Herd Law stipulates: All things in the Universe always have one head. In particularly:

  • The Universe has Troi Supreme Power that is only one;
  • All systems of planets have one center planet and 9 other planets rotating around it;
  • Each tribe has a patriarch. Everyone in the tribe has to obey this person;
  • Each commune, district or province has one chairman. A country has one president or chairman or king. The order of these persons must be followed by people.
  • A herd of elephants, monkeys, birds, ants or bees etc. always has their the head;
  • Each aircraft, train and ship etc. has a captain. All other people needs to follow him;
  • Each family has the head being the father. That is the reason why his age is used for building the family’s house.

In accordance with the Head of Herd Law, everything needs a leader to make things into order. If there are 2 leaders or more, things will be chaotic. So for a stable society, for everything to be in order we need to honor only one leader.

6.  Law of Spirit (read here)

8.  Law of Natural Selection

This Law stipulates: All things in the Universe develop in according to the principle of natural selection. It means that all changes of men, creatures, plants to social form, social phenomena on the way of development are carried out according to the principle of self-selection, retaining good things, progressiveness and disposing of bad things, backwardness.

Based on the above, we know that the Universe will develop towards more and more progressive. The direction for mankind’s development is increasingly about love and compassion.

9. Laws of Cause and Effect (read here)


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