(Picture credit: medicalnewstoday.com)
One of the most dangerous illness human being face today is cancer. Through there are plenty of researches about this illness, none of them can give a correct answer about the causes of this disease and especially method to cure cancer. In the view of the author, the current methods of treatment for cancer in modern medicines (radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery) seem to cause more damages to the body and health of the patients than curing them. Cancer has absolutely nothing to do with these methods of treatment. Cancer is a consequence of the operation of the Law of Cause and Effect, with Karma and Redistribution of Karma. It, therefore, must be cured by dealing with Karma.
This post is based on Prof. Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang Hugo Hama’s guidance on healing cancer when he answered a question from a reader of his books.
Question: Please could you tell me why cancer cannot be treated successfully? Is there anything relating to the invisible space here?
(from Mr. Nguyen Tao, Binh Duong Province)
Answer: Cancer cannot be treated successfully because the existing methods of treatment are not right. With a right method of treatment, cancer can be treated successfully. For healing cancer we should understand well the cause of this disease.
1- What is cancer?
First of all, we should understand that Cancer is a disease relating to tumors. All cancers are the diseases caused by tumors, no exception. Tumors in cancer are not the physical tumors of patients’ bodies, but the flashing photogenic tumors (“FPT”) (which cannot be seen with naked eyes or medical equipment) that are placed into patients’ bodies by an Astral man from the invisible space. In particular:
• Lung cancer caused by FPTs placed in lung;
• Liver cancer caused by FPTs placed in liver;
• Renal cancer caused by FPTs placed in kidney;
• Stomach cancer caused FPTs placed in stomach;
• Leukemia caused by FPTs placed in spinal cord. It is wrong to say leukemia has no tumors!;
• Skin cancer caused by FPTs placed in skin or in pituitary which makes endocrine system malfunctioned, causing disease in skin. Saying skin cancer has no tumors is also wrong.
• And so on
The diseases with tumors are categorised into two types: disease with normal tumors (around 90% of Earth population have this disease), and the disease with FPTs called “cancer”.
What is FPT?
This is the energy-formed tumor taken from Troi store in the invisible space, called the Troi-space tumor, and placed into an organ of the patient by an Astral man (often the Deity who punishes the patient). It is called FPT because it radiates super subtle light (and flashing) that cannot be seen with naked eyes or examined by medical instruments. It also cannot be photographed. Only people who have their divine (third) eye activated can see this light. Troi-space tumors are Khi (energy)with cubic shape of various sizes. They are grey or black Khi tumors. They are not hard as the (physical) tumors of the body because they are not solid material. Sizes of Troi-space tumors may range from some to tens of millimeters. Some tumors are even as big as a soap piece.
When Troi-space tumor is placed into one’s body, it is enclosed by a layer of flashing photogenic light, so no one can see it (Figure 1).
The physical tumors captured with medical equipment: cancer patients are often diagnosed with one or several physical tumors in the body part with cancer. That happens because when the body got a FPT in any organ, for self defense it creates a tissue enclosing the FPT to prevent it from growing and impacting the organ. At first, the tissue is very thin so the patients don’t feel the pain. But it grows with time. When reached a certain size, doctors will then realize the tumor and can captured it with medical equipment but don’t know it is only the tissue enclosing a FPT inside. The growing tissue creates pressure on surrounding area and makes the patients feel painful.
Figure 1
(drawing of Prof Dich-Upper Buddha Van Van Quang Hugo Hama)
When and why the FPT is placed into a patient’s body?
When a punishment has to be done.
Who place FPT into the patient’s body?
The punishing Astral man (PAM). The PAM may be Troi (i.e the Creator) (or we can say the punisher is the Law of Cause and Effect, read more here), or any Astral man (such as a deity, a saint etc…). Once placed, only the PAM can remove the FPTs from the patient’s body. Medical doctors try to remove the physical tumors enclosing the FPTs, but cannot remove the FPTs. That’s why cancer cannot be cured.
What is the nature of cancer?
The above analysis shows that cancer is the disease of Karma and Karmic Redistribution, nothing else. Karmic diseases relate to the karmic debt due to crimes a person committed in previous incarnations, and in this incarnation he has to repay for it. The karmic diseases are categorized into two groups as follows:
(1). Disease due to repayment of karmic debt/karmic redistribution: that relates to serious crimes committed in patients’ previous incarnations such as murder, murder for robbery, beating somebody to death, destroying pagoda, communal houses, temples, shrines, church, polluting or destroying environment, brutal killing of animal etc. the PAM in this case is Troi (the Creator). Troi will punish these criminals by placing some FPTs into their bodies (in this incarnation) to cause certain diseases that cannot be cured by common medical prescription.
(2). Disease due to punishment: in cases that the patient offended certain Astral man at certain places in their previous incarnations, but not tantamount to serious crimes. For example, stealing worship objects or money in communal house or pagoda and temples, dirtying incense-burner etc. In these cases, the astral man who the crime was committed to will do the punishment. If the crime was committed in communal house, the deity of this communal house will punish; in pagoda- Duc Ong, in temple/church – the saint who manages the church, in shrine – the deity managing the shrine. The PAM punishes the criminals by placing certain FPTs into their bodies to cause certain disease that cannot be treated by medical treatment. There can be other forms of punishment applied along with placing FPT.
2- How cancer can be cured?
The principle is very simple: To remove the FPT, that’s all needed to be done to cure cancer.
However, the biggest difficulty is how to remove the FPT. Medical doctors cannot remove the FPT. Only the PAM can do this. The PAM place the FPT for the purpose of punishing the criminals, so the criminals should show repentance to PAM to beg them for forgiveness of the crime. If the patients try to remove the FPT by surgery or using medical treatment, it means they oppose punishment order. That makes the criminals deserve death without any injustice!
This is a wrong way of treating cancer all over the world today. It makes the disease more serious, and causes the patients to die earlier (but not to prolong patient’ life!). Removing the tumors (by operation) in such cases means opposing the punishment, which makes the PAM frustrated and move the tumors to place into other parts of the patient’s body, which causes “cancer” in other body parts. The doctors then say the patient develops metastasis. What is “metastasis” here? It is simply a more serious punishment! That causes more pain and exhaustion. It is explained why the cancer patients in the last period of their disease often feel very painful and exhausted.
So how treatment can be done specifically?
First of all, the patient should find a person who has the capability (the healer) to examine what crimes they had committed, where and in what incarnation. The healer will help describe the cause of their cancer: due to repayment karmic debt or due to punishment, and guide the patient through the process of remorse and treatment.
If the cause of cancer is due to repayment of karmic debt, it means the patient is being punished by Troi, then the patient has to come to pagoda, church (or temple) to conduct repentance ritual to beg for the mercy of Troi. The crime of this kind is often serious (e.g murder) and cannot be forgiven. The patient can only beg for delay in repaying of karmic debt. Delay can be granted for one or 2 incarnations. By obtaining delay, the patient therefore has time to live kind-heartedly to earn virtue (in 1 or 2 incarnations) to repay for the karmic debt. If the pray for delay is accepted, all the FPTs will be removed immediately after the repentance. The cancer then will disappear.
If the disease is due to punishment, the patient needs to come to the place where crimes were committed (such as communal house, pagoda, temple, shrine, church…) or come to any of the 4 Troi Buddha temples in Vietnam, to repent to the PAM (i.e the deity in communal house, Duc Ong in pagoda or saint in church etc) to beg them for forgiveness of the crimes. If being forgiven, the PAM will remove all these tumors. The cancer will disappear.
Note: Treating cancer successfully means removal of all flashing photogenic tumors. It does not mean that removal of all normal physical tumors in the body of the patient. For example: if a patient have all of the physical tumors which doctors call cancer tumors removed from his/her body but the FPTs are not yet removed (by the PAM). It means that the patient has not repented for forgiveness yet, it cannot be called successful treatment of cancer. In such case, the patient will sooner or later got other kind of cancer (the so called metastasis). Once the FPTs are removed, the physical tumors can be dissolved with energy (by the healer) or can be removed by surgery in the hospital if needed.
3- The consequence of treating cancer with medical prescription?
All doctors mistake the FPTs as physical tumors of patient’s body and by treatment of cancer, they mean to remove these physical tumors out of the patient’s body with surgery. This appears to be a normal treatment process in modern medicines, but in fact it means opposing the punishment sentence. That makes the PAM frustrated so he moves the FPT to other parts in patient’s body, and even places in more FPT. That’s why in many cases after removing tumors from lung, there appear tumors in liver, kidney and bone etc. Doctors then say the patient develops metastasis, hands up and impotently watch their patient dying. Does it mean that the patients is pushed to die earlier?
Not to mention that doctors are trying to explain the causes of cancer are due to environment pollution, smoking, or radioactivity etc, and propose measures for preventing cancer by abolishing or limiting those causes whilst ignoring the cause of karmic debt or punishment. Pollution and poison can cause diseases but not cancers. Modern medicine knows nothing about the cause of cancer yet.
Will doctor be punished for opposing the punishment (of patient)?
Apparently, most of the doctors are not aware of the punishment so opposing it (as most of the cases in today cancer treatment), the doctors will not be punished. But definitely, they also cannot cure the disease successfully, therefore will score one point of failure in their career.
If they are aware of the punishment but still opposing it, they will be punished. In particular, they will be punished at a certain time, maybe in this incarnation or in the next ones.
If they intentionally overlook this truth and consider it as superstitious, the punishment may be more serious and happen sooner. So doctors please understand that coming to pagoda, church or communal house to show repentance for treatment of disease is not superstitious, but a scientific method. This is a collaboration between the healer (often a cultivator of high level), the patient and the Astral man in the invisible space. Treating cancer relates to the Law of Cause of Effect (read more here) and the invisible space, which normal human being with naked eyes cannot see. So be careful!
4- Answer to some questions that modern medicine has no answer
1. Why do tumors appear suddenly? Because only when the PAM decides to punish, they will place the FPTs and therefore (physical) tumors will develop.
2. Why we cannot see the FPTs by X-ray or CT scanning? Because these are FPTs from Troi space. None of today human equipment can catch their image.
3. Why the results of tumor biopsy are often unusual? Because the tumors are not physical tumors of patients’ body, it is a form of energy from Troi-space store. It causes damages to the body parts where it is placed.
4. Why surgery often makes tumors to develop rapidly? Because it is an action of opposing punishment sentence deliberately, so punishment becomes heavier.
5. Why does cancer develop metastasis? Because once an FPT is removed from one part/organ, it will be placed in another part/organ by the PAM.
6. Why the patients often die after metastasis develops? Because it means opposing to the punishment deliberately and reluctance to repent. When PAM sees no chance for re-educating the patients, they will drop them dead. The purpose of punishing is not death but to re-educate the criminal about their criminals and make them live kindheartedly to repay for their crimes. But once education fails, death comes.
7. Why cancer cannot be treated successfully in hospitals? Because the methods of treatment are not right.
8. Can cancer be cured successfully? Yes, all patients can be cured with correct treatment method. There are thousands of patients who were sent home by the hospital awaiting for death have been healed with this method. They were all cured successfully. (But don’t keep the disease for too long, especially after treatment by radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery. When the body is seriously damaged, there’s little hope for cure.
There are also about 5 to 6% of cancer patients cannot be cured due to some reasons below:
– The crime is too serious that it cannot be forgiven, death is mandatory.
– Too many crimes were committed. Repentance is allowed, forgiveness can be granted but only to let die.
– Opposing the punishment frequently.
– The body is damaged after radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery resulting in exhaustion and death.
9. Is there any good method of preventing cancer? Yes: live kindheartedly and conduct only good deed! Don’t commit any wrongdoings. No wrongdoing – no punishment, no punishment – no FPT, no FPT – no cancers. That’s all. It is very simple!
5- Conclusion
· Cancer is a kind of karmic disease, relating to repayment of karmic debt or punishment. Only release of karma or forgiveness of punishment can cure cancer.
· Flashing photogenic tumors should never be considered superstition, and never be mistaken with normal physical tumor so to treat with normal medical prescription.
· Karmic debt and punishment should be released as soon as possible. As long as it remains cancer cannot be cured.
· Live kindheartedly and conduct good deed can prevent cancer. All other technical prevention methods are trivial, because they only help improve health, but cannot prevent cancer.
· After treatment of cancer is completed it is necessary to treat other diseases, only then the treatment can be considered complete.
Note: This paper deals only with the disease called “Cancer”, not with other serious diseases that may also cause death. For example: the author doesn’t consider the disease caused by radioactivity as a cancer, although some documents mentioned cancer due to radioactive impact.
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